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Archival description
IE OCL ERDC32 · Fonds · 1913 - 1928

Incomplete records of Edenderry No 1 Rural District Council, notably missing minute books. The first series comprises sanitary officers' records in the form of a report register and a diary of works completed. Both of these registers continued to be used beyond the life of the rural district council, which was abolished in 1925, and its functions subsumed into the Offaly Board of Health and Public Assistance.

The second series comprises abstracts of accounts prepared in final years of Edenderry RDC in 1924 and 1925.

Edenderry Rural District Council
IE OCL ERDC32/1/1 · Item · 1913-1928
Part of Records of Edenderry Rural District Council

Register of reports of sanitary officers in Sub-Officer's District of Edenderry No.1. Date recorded include the date of the report, the name of the sanitary officer and the name of the District; the name and address of the owner/occupier; the nature or cause of complaint; the sanitary officer's recommendation; the order of the sanitary board; a description of steps taken to remove cause of complaint and a description of the result of the order.

Reports cover public health disease controls on infectious diseases such as diptheria, scarletina and typhoid; sanitation of public water supply; sanitary state of school buildings; and other threats to public health.

Sanitary Sub-Officer's Diary
IE OCL ERDC32/1/2 · Item · 1917-1928
Part of Records of Edenderry Rural District Council

Sanitary Sub-Officer's diary recording sanitary work performed for Edenderry No.1 Rural District Council (until 1925) and subsequently the Offaly Board of Health and Public Assistance.

Each page contains pre-printed template for recording the following: number of orders or notices to abate nuisances, make connecting drains or perform other sanitary work; number of prosecutions for neglect of orders or notices; number of convictions for neglect of orders or notices; amount of fines imposed by orders of justices £; fines levied amounted to £; number of houses, yards and premises inspected; number of dwellings disinfected; disinfecting chamber used by persons; articles of clothing disinfected; clothing and bedding destroyed by order of the sanitary authority to the value of £.