‘Summarii Constitutionum Explicatio.’ Handwritten. Title page dated 1845 (277pp). Includes notes at back of volume in another hand (19 October 1855 – January 1857, 15pp).
‘Tenants’ accounts’ for the estates of the Hon. Laurence Parsons in King’s County and Cos Tipperary and Wexford [see 0/36 and Q/6 and 16/4].
‘Tenants’ accounts’ for the estates of the Hon. Laurence Parsons in King’s County and Cos Tipperary and Wexford [see 0/36 and Q/6 and 16/4].
‘Tullabeg College, House Acc(oun)ts. Details of Land Investments etc.’ Includes index to subjects (23pp), notes on the ‘Lands at present (1906) held by us’ (2pp) and notes on investments (2pp). 19cm x 42cm
Two notes from Fr Donal O'Sullivan SJ, Rector of St Mary's, Emo, Laois to Fr Brendan Lawler SJ, Rector of Tullabeg, concerning the 15th century Pieta left by ‘Mrs O’ Connell’ to Tullabeg in memory of Evie Hone.
O'Sullivan; Donal (1904-1977); Jesuit priest and arts administratorSeventeenth-century letters and papers, 1595-1699 and 1871 of the two branches of the Parsons family, the Parsonses of Bellamont, Co. Dublin, Viscounts Rosse, and the Parsonses of Parsonstown, alias Birr, King's County.
File of letters sent to Henry Trench between 1853 and 1865.
The majority of the letters within the file concern Henry's son Henry Bloomfield Trench. It appears Henry Bloomfield suffered from an illness which caused fainting and fitting. Much of the letters deal with this issue. Examples include two letters dated from John Congreve regarding Henry Bloomfield Trench fitting and his recovery during his stay with him. The file also includes three letters from J.R Pears, Windlesham regarding a fainting fit that occurred while Henry Bloomfield Trench was away at school. Other letters concerning this issue within this file describe Henry Trench attempts to find a suitable school for his son. Examples of such letters include a letter dated 14 July from F.G Price, Munderfield, Bromyard, England accepting Henry as a pupil.
Letters sent to and sent by Benjamin Bloomfield Trench in 1866, 1875, 1874, 1876, and 1880. The letters in this file cover personal and business matters.
Examples include a copy of a 1866 letter from Benjamin Bloomfield Trench to the Honorable Captain Winn in which he writes:
'Dear Winn,
some time ago I wrote to you what I considered to be, to what was intended to be, a civil letter, asking you as a friend what you wished to be done with your dog, which is here, at the same time reminding you, altho' not in the least [preposing] for £2 which you owed me about Henley Regatta. viz. a bet of 3-2 which I laid you that Kingston beat [leander], they did so accordingly wishes of boat-racing. I consider it a great insult to me that you have not answered the said letter, not so much that you have not paid the bet, but because you have not answered a letter which was written to you as a friend. Neither have you made any allusion to the bet, which was made between us in a fair spirit of betting, I being prepared to loose my £3 or to win your £2. it is not so much the £2 , as the way that you have behaved, abt it that I consider so blackguard, if you were hard up, that would be another thing, but when one sees your name down for the [?] matches, for which you are able to put down your £5, one cannot help thinking that you have behaved in a blackguard way, but I do not intend the matter to end here, you have grossly insulted me & I therefore challenge you to fight me, a fair stand up fight & according to the rules of the PBA. If you have an ounce of Irish blood in your veins, you cannot through this letter aside without answering it..'
The file also contains other letters such as three letters from Henry Trench regarding his will and a 1875 letter from George M. Williams, Ballinahone, Armagh asking for rent due.
Letters sent to and sent from Henry Trench, Cangort Park, Roscrea, Tipperary between 1872 and 1876. The letters within this file deal with personal, community and financial issues.
Examples of personal letters include a letter dated 14 August 1873 which arranges for turf to be sent to Loughton for turf Lord Bloomfield's visit; a letter dated 5 July 1873 from Mr. Taylor regarding Mrs. Francis Hastings Toone's will and a letter from John Harden dated 5 August 1873 in regards to staying at Cangort.
Community issues are also present throughout the letters within the file. Examples of such letters include a letter from J.W Waller, Belfield, Shinrone, King's County in which he writes about Shannon drainage; a letter from Mr Bard, Shinrone regarding admitting Mrs St Ledger to the poorhouse and a five copies of a letter from 1875 from Henry Trench, Cangort Park, Roscrea to W.R. Le Fanu, Commissioner of public work regarding the river Shannon and a memorandum from Henry Trench to W. Harden.
The file also deals with financial issues. Examples include a 1876 a letter from the Grattan monument committee stating that Henry did not pay his subscription and a letter dated 4 January 1876 from Theo Ryan, 7 Leeson Park, Dublin asking for rent
File of letters sent to Henry Trench between 1877 and 1879.
The file contains letters sent by family, friends, business contacts and acquaintances. Examples of letters include a 1877 letter from D.A M'Cready regarding five leases that require Henry's signature; three letters dated 1878 from E Williams, Main Street, Parsonstown regarding Japanese trays and a letter from K.L Kirkpatrick thanking Henry for sending him a pedigree and a letter from J.A Davis, Kilcoleman parsonage, Parsonstown regarding forwarding an application to the Lord Bishop and Rural Dean .
The majority of the letters sent in 1879 were concerned with issues such as Shannon Drainage and leasing property. Examples of such letters include a letter from G Weston, 32 Essex Street, Strand, London, regarding clay work; a letter containing a copy of 'Hydraulic tables, coefficients, and formulae for finding the discharge of water from orifices, notches, weirs, pipes and rivers' by John Neville and a draft lease property in Banagher sent to George Arthur Waller for sixty one years.