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IE OH OHS2/MIST/4/1/2 · Parte · 1949 - 1988
Parte de Records of the Williams Group

Market study, formation of a marketing plan, customer survey to liqueurs and cordials including Irish Mist, 1973;
Company marketing plan with focus on export market, 1984;
Re-launch under C&C, guest list, press release, marketing structure, rating of different spirit brands, future trends, 1987 – 1988;
Report to the profit potential of Irish Mist - home, European and US market, 1962;
Reprinted article from the “Export” magazine, Dublin about Irish Mist history and export development, ca. 1970s;
Magazine article about the “Export Awards”, Irish Mist as winner, 1969;
“The Spirits Report”, London, including Irish Mist in liqueur section, 1983;
Sales register worldwide export market, 1949 – 1959;
Index of distributors/importers worldwide, 1970 – 1984;
Index of Northern Irish wholesalers, 1958 – 1960

Company related film and audio tapes
IE OH OHS2/MIST/4/2/B/1 · Parte · 1964
Parte de Records of the Williams Group

Film roll, Irish Mist Film, Joe Yerkes;
Audio cassettes, programme with German, French and Italian versions;
Recording tapes from Radio and TV programs with conversation between Robert Briscoe and Desmond Williams, 1964

IE OH OHS2/ASCO/4/2 · Unidad documental simple · 1955
Parte de Records of the Williams Group

Annotated agenda for a meeting of the directors of Irish Distillers Ltd. to be held at 2 Lower Merrion Street, Dublin. Items include a change of label, and the price to be charged to Irish Distillers Ltd for whiskey delivered to Shannon Airport.

IE OH OHS2/LEG/1 · Serie · 1903-1968
Parte de Records of the Williams Group

Memoranda and articles of association of various companies related to the Distillery in Tullamore, D. E. Williams Ltd. and the Williams Group.