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IE OH OHS 88 · Fonds · 1786

Canvas-backed paper map of the former county town of Philipstown (Daingean) compiled by Arthur Richards Neville in June 1786 for Richard Nassau Molesworth, 4th Viscount Molesworth (1748-1793). The map covers 2887 statute acres and includes environs of the town. The plots are numbered 1-130 with an accompanying reference table describing the contents of each land-holding unit. The reference is tabular, listing tenants' name, description of the holdings (e.g. 'a very fine farm all good meadow', 'good high Meadow & Pasture', 'great red bog', 'poor ground' etc) a yearly value and a sum total of the east and south east side of Philipstown.

Scale 20 perch to the inch (1:5040)

Papers of Fr. Peadar Swayne
IE OCL P69 · Fonds · 1921-1970

Correspondence (1963-70), mainly between Swayne and W. H. Milner, Portarlington, relating to a film made by Fr. Kennedy in 1921 ostensibly on the turf-cutting industry in the area, but also features the exhumation of skulls of the ‘Ballynowlart Martyrs’ who were purportedly burned alive in Ballynowlart church by English forces in the 1600s. Correspondence culminates in the deposit of the film in the National Library of Ireland.

Offaly Sinn Féin material: original resolution from North and South Offaly Executive Sinn Féin signed by Comd. Ua Duinn relating to its support of the Treaty (29 December 1921) and calling on Offaly’s representative Dr McCartan to vote for ratification, and a pamphlet entitled 'Terms of Reference 23 May 1922 Adjourned Árd-Fheis of Sinn Féin'.

Leaflets and other printed material relating to Croghan Feis organised by Offaly Vocational Education Committee (1949).
Manuscripts notes on placenames and history of Killeigh Parish and Philipstown (Daingean).

Publications: Programme for Walsh Island Second National Turf-cutting competition (1935); Knockbeg Centenary Year Book (1948); and Suncroft, a Parish Magazine (1970).

IE OCL P2 · Fonds · 1915-1975

Minute books and general accounts books of Daingean Town Hall Committee between 1915 and 1975 with a gap for the years 1951-1952. Daingean's town hall was formerly the courthouse built c.1807 and situated on the main square in Daingean. Early entries for the years 1915-1937 contain accounts such as 'Young Men's Hall' and 'General Hall' accounts. Includes details of expenditure on items such as a billiard table (£1 15 0) and a piano (£7 7 0). General hall accounts included details of monies received from local football club, agricultural shows and dances. Minutes of meetings commence in 1938 and are signed by Rev. P. Kavanagh, Rev. J. G. Moran and Rev. E. J. Kinsella.
