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Records of Tullamore Union
IE OCL BG158 · Arquivo · 1839 - 1921

Minute books, accounts ledgers, reports, and ancillary material relating to the creation, administration, and eventual dissolution of Tullamore Union from its establishment in 1839 to the closure of Tullamore Workhouse in August 1921. The main set of records are the minute books of the boards of guardians, comprising 112 volumes from an original set of 128 volumes. Other material is financial in nature, such as the treasurer’s account books and rates returns. No workhouse admission and discharge registers survive, but an important volume entitled Application and Report Book from 1862/1863, provides details of the relief applications for approximately 500 applicants. Other workhouse material is in the form of provisions registers and daybooks, as well as an architectural drawing of alterations to the Infirmary at the workhouse. As the Board of Guardians also oversaw the dispensary districts in the union, there is a set of minute books relating to the five dispensary districts with accompanying district notices in poster form.

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IE OH OHS 88 · Arquivo · 1786

Canvas-backed paper map of the former county town of Philipstown (Daingean) compiled by Arthur Richards Neville in June 1786 for Richard Nassau Molesworth, 4th Viscount Molesworth (1748-1793). The map covers 2887 statute acres and includes environs of the town. The plots are numbered 1-130 with an accompanying reference table describing the contents of each land-holding unit. The reference is tabular, listing tenants' name, description of the holdings (e.g. 'a very fine farm all good meadow', 'good high Meadow & Pasture', 'great red bog', 'poor ground' etc) a yearly value and a sum total of the east and south east side of Philipstown.

Scale 20 perch to the inch (1:5040)

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