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Archivistische beschrijving
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Charleville Estate Papers
IE OH OHS4 · Archief · 1633-1985

Estate papers comprising of estate accounts, tenancy agreements, farms accounts, land titles and correspondence.

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Charleville Forest Papers
IE OCL P43 · Collectie · 1785 – 1919

An artificially constructed collection of generally dissociated documents relating to the Charleville Estate and the Bury family/earls of Charleville. Contains some legal documents such as marriage settlements and leases; correspondence relating to financial matters on the Charleville Estate and associated estates, e.g., the Marlay estate.; newspaper cuttings on various members of the Bury family; and correspondence and drawings relating to the Bury family jewels.

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IE OH OHS83 · Stuk · 1868

Personal diary and almanack of Captain Maxwell Fox, Annaghamore House. The diary records short, day-to-day accounts of January to October of 1868, the year Fox was appointed High Sheriff of King's County. Entries to the diary comment mainly on personal matters and activities of his routine as a landowner, with occasional reference to national and local events.
Personal matters referred to include socialising amongst a small circle of landed neighbours, relations and professionals in the town of Tullamore (names occurring include: Coote, Ridley, Marshall, Waller, Biddulph); attending religious services; light farm duties; shooting and hunting; card games.

Entries contain occasional reference to his duties as High Sheriff during the Spring and Summer Assizes. An example of this is recorded across two days, dated 4 and 5 March, "Drove to Tullamore on car at 8.45, found carriage all ready so went with Sub-Sheriff in Clarence to meet Chief Justice Monaghan [sic] at Clara station. Brough him and Lefroy back to their lodgings in Tullamore, then drove home to luncheon after which cutting hedge along back lane to Lambs... Went in brougham to Tullamore at 8.35 attended at Station and received Chief Justice (Whiteside) drove him to his lodgings and attended by mounted police. At 11.15 attended both judges to Court House in Clarence and pair. In Court with Chief Justice until 4. Visited G. Jury luncheon and some. - Dined with judges and met Curran, Molloy, Dames and Montgomery. Home at 11."

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IE OCL P17 · Archief · 1868-1901

Rental of the estate of the Earl of Charleville. Lists the denominations, tenants, acreage, yearly rent and other notes. Frequently amended with addition of new tenants and details of lease renewals

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IE OCL P23 · Archief · 1882

Deed appointing William Thomas Trench, of Loughton, Moneygall, King's County, a commissioner of the peace. Signed by R. W. A Holmes, Clerk of the Crown and Hanaper.

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IE OCL P44 · Archief · 1863-c.1940

Rental ledgers relating to the estate of Col A.C. Wolseley Cox, Clara, King's County. Folios record the rental period, the amount of rent, the poor-rate if chargeable, and the amount paid by cash. The observations column records most of the particulars of lease, and can include details of marriages and deaths of tenants, memorials of leases, and other personal observations on tenants and their character. Map reference numbers are also noted and these may refer to the Map of Clara and Raheen, King's County, estate of Colonel Wolseley Cox (P96) listed below.

Alphabetical surname index at rear of of each volume, although that for Vol.3 is blank. Vol. 3 in general is sparse in details in comparison to the preceding volumes.

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IE OH OHS48 · Archief · 1870-1920

13 volumes of photograph albums, known to Offaly Historical and Archaeological Society as the Magan-Biddulph Collection. complied by Lt. Col. Middleton Westenra Biddulph, landowner of the Rathrobin estate, near Mountbolus, County Offaly. Biddulph was born in Rathrobin in 1849, the eldest surviving son of Francis Marsh Biddulph and Lucy Bickerstaff. The Biddulph family's landholding was principally in the townlands of Rathrobin and those adjoining of Clonseer, Cormeen, Kilmore and Mullaghcrohy, all near Mountbolus, in the civil parish of Killoughy and the barony of Ballyboy. Middleton Biddulph enlisted with the Northumberland Fusiliers (Fifth Regiment) in 1867, rising to the ranks of Lieutenant Colonel before his retirement in 1896. Following his retirement, Biddulph and his wife, Vera Josephine Flower, returned to Rathrobin and rebuilt the old house over the period 1898 to 1900. Biddulph served as High Sheriff for King's County in 1901, and was appointed Deputy Lieutenant of the county in 1910.

As a keen amateur photographer, Biddulph used a quarter plate camera to document his various areas of interest including; his military career with the Northumberland Fusiliers; visits to country houses across Ireland, England and Scotland; members of the Biddulph and Magan family; visits around Ireland as part of the Royal Society of Antiquarians; interior and exterior photographs of Rathrobin House; agricultural work on the estate. There is also an extent of photographs of tenant families and employees of the Rathrobin estate, featured across the photograph albums.

Biddulph and his wife left for England in June 1921 as the military campaign of the IRA in the locality intensified, and Rathrobin House was destroyed by Republican IRA forces in April 1923. While he seemed to have planned to return to Ireland after this, an attack on his land agent and niece, Violet Magan, and his own declining health delayed plans to do so, and he died in Chelsea in May 1926. The albums were presented to Offaly Historical and Archaeological Society in 1997 by Brigadier William Magan, a nephew of the photographer.

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Bellair Estate Papers
IE OH OHS87 · Archief · 1683 - 1924

Estate and legal papers comprising of deeds, indentures, tenancy agreements, land titles, correspondence and personal papers relating to the Mulock and Homan-Mulock family of Bellair House, Ballycumber.

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IE OH OHS1 · Archief · 1911-1977

The collection consists of 54 bound volumes including letter books, client account ledgers, and cashbooks. The largest series is the letterbooks, which contain carbon copies of outgoing letters sent by Rogers & Co., Solicitors. It is not a full set, with letterbooks from 1916–26 and 1928–30 not extant. Other shorter gaps in the sequence also appear. All letterbooks contain an alphabetical surname index of clients. The rest of the collection is more financial in nature, consisting of series of cash ledgers, client account ledgers, cheques issued ledgers, a costs copying volume and a daybook recording daily work for current clients.

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Digby Irish Estates
IE OCCHO DIGBY · Archief · 1857-1963

Digitised collection of annual reports and rentals of the Geashill Estate, King's County sent by successive land agents to Lord Digby at his permanent residence in Dorset. Also includes two volumes of drawings depicting improvements made to labourers' cottages on the estate.

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