Appointment by Mary Edwards, daughter and administrator of the goods of Francis Edwards, assigning Lewis Jones and Hollowblades and John Short for lands in Ballintemple containing 360 acres under indenture of 1 October 1709 for the yearly sum of £109.
9 Archival description results for Ballintemple
Certificate prepared by John Nelson for the estate of John Moore, certifying parts of lands on Ballintemple containing 29 acres, 1 rood and 7 perches in the possession of Edmond Duns.
Lease between John Moore and Benjamin Hossett relating to part of the land at Ballintemple containing by estimate 54 acres.
Lease between John Moore and Nicholas Phillips of Ballintemple relating to part of the land at Ballintemple in the barony of Philipstown.
Lease between John Moore, Lord Baron of Tullamore, and William Low of Rahinnbegg, for lands at Ballintemple commonly known by the name of Cappa in the island of Discart containing estimated 96 acres and 26 acres more in Ballintemple formerly held by Nicholas Phillips and now in William Low's possession, to hold for three lives for the sum of 5s per acre.
Copy of lease between John Moore of Croghan, Nicholas Phillips and Robert Gibbs of Ballintemple, for lands at Ballintemple.
Lease by Charles William Bury, by his mother and guardian, Catherine Bury, to Ralph Hunter, Gent., for part of Ballintemple containing 135 acres to hold for 18 years at rent of £108 18s.
Rental of the estate of the Earl of Charleville. Lists the denominations, tenants, acreage, yearly rent and other notes. Frequently amended with addition of new tenants and details of lease renewals
Bury Family, Earls of Charleville