Ficheiro 2 - Benjamin Bloomfield Trench.

Zona de identificação

Código de referência

IE OCL P131/9/2


Benjamin Bloomfield Trench.


  • December 1857 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

146 pp

Zona do contexto

Nome do produtor


História biográfica

Benjamin Bloomfield Trench was born 12 November 1846 to Henry Trench of Cangort Park, Shinrone, County Offaly and Georgiana Mary Amelia Bloomfield, sister of the 2nd Lord Bloomfield of Loughton House. He was educated at Eton. He worked as a mechanical engineer for Maudsley & Fields and later with William Steuert Trench in his land agency office at Carrickmacross between 1868 and 1870. He was also employed by Verner & Holleborne stockbrokers to manage quarries in Antrim. In 1872 he was employed by Lord Bath to take over the management of the Bath estate following the death of William Steuert Trench, but was relieved of this position in 1874. He married Dora Turner in 1899 and moved to South Africa to work on the Transvaal Railway. He returned prior to the birth of his two daughters Sheelah and Theodora Trench.

Entidade detentora

História do arquivo

Zona do conteúdo e estrutura

Âmbito e conteúdo

Benjamin Bloomfield Trench's school report from December 1857 to July 1858. The report lists the subject Benjamin took and also listed his grades.
Two copies of a newspaper article which appeared in 'The Sporting Life' on 6 May 1888, discussing Benjamin Bloomfield Trench's accomplishment of walking 100 miles in twenty-five hours.
Accident certificate issued by Dr Andrews. The certificate states that he attended to Benjamin Bloomfield Trench after a fall on board the R.M.S Doune Castle.
Passage written by Benjamin Bloomfield Trench on the topic of death: 'Fate was bringing death. We were guarding. We were fortifying the city. The enemies were fleeing. The giants were throwing darts. They were concealing the treasures. The physicians were healing. The clouds were covering the moon. I will lead you. I will speak to you I will remain within. You will fare well.'
Copy of 'A lecture on the history of the church of St. Mary of Ottery' delivered at the Church Institute on the 4th March 1897 by the Rev. F.B Dickinson, MA.
Army and Navy Cooperative Society Shareholder's ticket.
Catalogue of Antique and Modern furniture.
2 newspaper obituaries of Prebendary Webb Peploe.

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