Chapel Lane

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        Chapel Lane

        BT Birr

        Chapel Lane

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          Chapel Lane

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            Chapel Lane

              2 Archivistische beschrijving results for Chapel Lane

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              IE BCA ROSSE/Q/65 · Bestanddeel · [1780-1824]
              Part of The Rosse Papers

              Envelope of leases of premises in Langton’s Lane and other premises bearing the name Langton, [which seem to have been in the vicinity of Chapel Lane and Back Lane]. The Langton who was extant in the 1790s was a Philip Langton of Trinidad, [but clearly the family were major Birr tenants of the Parsonses, some of whose leases were probably reacquired by the 2nd Earl of Rosse, who seems to have been active in buying out long and perpetuity leases in the town – presumably in connection with his building plans.]