File of diaries written by Dora Trench which chart the last nine years of her life.
These diaries record the birth of her two daughters. Her eldest daughter Sheelah Trench was born on the 28 May ' 9 am Baby born. Eddie came at 11 p.m yesterday, & staid (sic) here all night also Blanche. Sent for Dr. Brodi about 12 p.m he came straight away again. He came again at 6 a.m & staid (sic) till 10 or 11. Chloroform from 6 till 9, took 2 oz.' The birth of her youngest daughter was recorded in Dora's diary by her husband Benjamin as she was preoccupied.17 Jul 1891 '...6.50 am baby girl born'
Her diary also records the sudden decline in her health and her eventual death in 1899. On the 27 March 1899 Dora writes about her final day before her asthma took hold, 'Shopped in [Brougham] & went to tea with Georgie walked home. Sheelah in with cold. Muriel to tea. Very mild, dull, showery. Thora went to 2nd dancing lesson.' Her death on the 7 April 1899 was recorded by Benjamin Bloomfield Trench who simply writes, 'My darling wife breathed her last at [Glebelands]. '