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            227 Description archivistique résultats pour England

            Album 1, Page 50
            IE OH OHS48/1/50 · Partiellement · 12 May 1903
            Fait partie de Magan-Biddulph Photograph Collection

            Middlehill continued, 12th May 1903'.

            1. 'Spencer F [Flower], V.E. and A.J. Vera B., Lilian, Vera'.
            2. ' A.F., Isabella, Rita, Vera, V. Edgar'.
            3. 'Edgar Flower, Harry Sanford on the drive'.
            4. 'At Isabella’s. Vera, Rita Sanford, V. Edgar on the lawn'.
            Album 1, Page 52
            IE OH OHS48/1/52 · Partiellement · 15 May 1903
            Fait partie de Magan-Biddulph Photograph Collection

            Avonbank Stratford-on-Avon. May 15th 1903'.

            1. 'Mrs. Atkinson, Aunt Sarah Flower and Vera'.
            2. 'In the Conservatory. Vera'.
            3. Untitled
            4. 'Aunt Sarah Flower'.
            Album 1, Page 57
            IE OH OHS48/1/57 · Partiellement · 15 May 1903
            Fait partie de Magan-Biddulph Photograph Collection

            The Cliff Warwick May 15th 1903'.

            1. '(Mrs) Alice Larkin Vera, Violet L'.
            2. 'Hunters at rest'.
            3. 'In the Rose Garden, the Cliff, Warwick. Self, Alice, Violet'.
            4. 'Michael L, Violet L Vera'.
            IE OH OHS77/4/1/6/15/1 · Pièce · 8 Jan 1940
            Fait partie de Woodfield Papers

            Letter from P Glyn Griffiths of the Medical Students' Representative Council at University of Manchester, to Doctor Francis William Lamb at Woodfield House, Clara, County Offaly. He thanks Doctor Lamb for his help in securing a guest lecture by Oliver St John Gogarty at the Medical School at the University of Manchester in the following term.

            Sans titre