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            4 Archival description results for Germany

            2 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
            Mainland Europe.
            IE OCL P131/6/2/7/4 · File · [c.1920-1923]
            Part of Loughton Papers

            Photographic negatives taken of Salies-de-Béarn.Three photographs of the exterior of Cologne Cathedral, Cologne, Germany.Photographs and photographic negatives taken by Theodora Trench in Switzerland. The photos show people engaging in activities such as ice skating and skiing. There are also photographs of the surrounding natural beauty.
            File of photographs and negatives of Italy. The file contains photographs of the Italian landscape, a photograph of Pompeii and photographs of the Dolomites.

            Photo of a young girl.
            IE OH OHS77/9/4/3/18 · Item
            Part of Woodfield Papers

            Photograph of a young girl wearing her coat and hat, standing with her hand resting on the back of a chair. Printed by Photographisches Atelier F Hundt, Kreuzstrasse 96, Münster, Westfalen.

            Lamb Family
            IE OCL P136 · Fonds · 1921-1924

            Photograph album created by Lt. Col. M. O'Carroll Fitz-Simon, M.C. , who began his military career in Prince of Wales' Leinster Regiment, which was headquartered at Birr. The photographs document a peace-keeping mission the Leinsters undertook in Silesia (now part of Poland) from their departure at Dover on 31 May 1921, through Germany and to their destination of Oppeln (Opole in Poland today). Following the disbandment of the regiment in June 1922, Fitz-Simon joined the King's Own Regiment, Lancaster and the remaining photographs in the album depict scenes from missions in India and Burma. There is also a small number of photographs of people and houses in the Birr area including Whigsborough House, and the burnt out remains of Birr Barracks (following its destruction in the Civil War in July 1922).

            Fitz-Simon, Christopher Richard Manners Daniel O'Connell, Lt Col