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          9 Archival description results for History

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          IE BCA ROSSE/M/1 · File · [1860-1863?]
          Part of The Rosse Papers

          T.C.D. exercise book [of the 4th Earl?] on ancient and British history, with related printed papers, and the 4th Earl’s degree in Physics.

          Parsons, Laurence, 4th Earl of Rosse
          IE IJA FM/TULL/2 · File · 1860-1886
          Part of St Stanislaus College, Tullabeg, Offaly

          – brief history of ‘The College of St. Stanislaus (formerly “Tullabeg”)’ in an unknown nineteenth century hand (1860s, 4pp) and
          – ‘Historia Collegii St.i. Stanislai Tulliolani in Hibernica per annos 1884 –5–6’ by Fr William Joseph Butler SJ (1 May 1886, 9pp).

          Butler; William Joseph (1848-1907); Jesuit priest and teacher
          IE IJA FM/TULL/3 · File · 1955
          Part of St Stanislaus College, Tullabeg, Offaly

          Material compiled by Fr Roland Burke Savage SJ relating to the origins of Tullabeg as a school for boys and a novitiate. Includes:
          – typescript copies of summaries of replies to queries sent by Fr Burke Savage SJ to Fr Joseph Hurley SJ, House Historian, Tullabeg, comments on those replies and comparisons of the early history of the community, as depicted in Fr John Grene’s ‘A Contribution towards a History of The Irish Province of the Society of Jesus’; the Memorials of the Irish Province and Fr William Molony’s ‘Brief Notices’ of 1831
          – notes on Frs Robert and John St Leger and on the original builder at Tullabeg (1955, 23pp)
          – letter from Fr Burke Savage SJ to Fr Jerome Mahony SJ (19 November 1955, 3pp) on the ‘strong local tradition that we built Tullabeg’, enclosing copies of early letters relevant to the subject (21 April 1815 – 29 April 1817, 7 items, 9pp).

          Burke Savage; Roland (1912-1998); Jesuit priest and editor
          IE OCL P13 · Fonds · 1 February 1979

          Pamphlet containing a summary of a lecture given by Tadhg Hayden, principal of Vocational School, Kildare Town, entitled 'St Brigid and Kildare Cathedral: their backgrounds - Pagan & Christian, Irish & European'.

          Hayden, Tadhg
          IE BCA ROSSE/M/28 · File · [1900-1931]
          Part of The Rosse Papers

          Papers about Birr Church of Ireland church and parish, including historical compilations of the rev. Dr Samuel Hemphill, Rector of Birr, covering the period 1612-1903. The compilations consist of a small quarto notebook containing MS. Copies of 1642 depositions concerning the neighbourhood of Birr; another containing a history of Birr Church of Ireland church (taken from vestry books, parish registers, etc), 1760-1903); and two succession lists of Birr incumbents, 1612-1912. The sub-section also includes a series of printed annual reports on the parish and on the diocese of Killaloe and Kilfenora, 1900-10.

          Papers of Fr Joseph Hurley
          IE OCL P87 · Fonds · 1903-1962

          Papers, notes, publications, and artefacts mainly relating to the hosting in 1953 and 1954 of an exhibition of Offaly's history and archaeology in Tullamore as part of An Tóstal, a national festival celebrating Irish culture. Fr Hurley, or An tAth Seosamh Ó Murthuile as he was also known, was the chief organiser for the exhibition, and collected and schematically displayed original artefacts, manuscripts and illustrations detailing Offaly's history from pre-historic times to the modern era.

          The remainder of the collection relates to non-Tóstal related notes, publications and ephemera from 1903-1962.

          Hurley; Joseph (1905-1984), Jesuit priest and Irish language scholar
          IE OCL P2 · Fonds · 1915-1975

          Minute books and general accounts books of Daingean Town Hall Committee between 1915 and 1975 with a gap for the years 1951-1952. Daingean's town hall was formerly the courthouse built c.1807 and situated on the main square in Daingean. Early entries for the years 1915-1937 contain accounts such as 'Young Men's Hall' and 'General Hall' accounts. Includes details of expenditure on items such as a billiard table (£1 15 0) and a piano (£7 7 0). General hall accounts included details of monies received from local football club, agricultural shows and dances. Minutes of meetings commence in 1938 and are signed by Rev. P. Kavanagh, Rev. J. G. Moran and Rev. E. J. Kinsella.

          Daingean Town Hall Committee