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IE BCA ROSSE/V · Sous-fonds · 1840-1945
Fait partie de The Rosse Papers

Letters and papers of the successive Rosse agents, George and Toler R. Garvey Senior and Junior, in their capacity as agents for other estates, mainly in King's County and Tipperary, 1840-1945.

King's County estates other than the Rosse estate include the Bannon estate at Broughall; the Bennett estate at Thomastown; Malone Barrett estate at Temora; Biddulph estate at Coolinariney; the Drought estate at Whigsboruogh; Hacektt estate of Moore Park, Birr; Kemmis estate at Coolnahely and other areas; King estate at Ballylin; Head estate at Derrylahen; Holmes estate at Moneygall; Mooney estate at The Doon; and the Piggott estate at Shragh.

Outside of King's County, the Garveys represented the Briscoe Eyre estate at Eyrecourt, Co Galway; Galbraith estate at and around Loughrea, Co Galway; Kingscote estate at Newport, Co. Tipperary; Holmes estate at Nenagh Co. Tipperary; Lodwick estate at Lisheen, Co Tipperary; Piggott estate at Dundrum, Co Down and Tincurry , Co Tipperary; Purser estate of Arborhill and Clonmona, Co Tipperary; and the Toler estate at and around Nenagh, Co. Tipperary.

Sans titre
Papers of William Lamb.
IE OH OHS77/1 · Série organique
Fait partie de Woodfield Papers

Papers of William Lamb, inherited by his son Francis William Lamb and kept at Woodfield House.

Papers of Doctor Francis William Lamb.
IE OH OHS77/4 · Série organique · 27 Mar 1804 - 6 Feb 1957
Fait partie de Woodfield Papers

Papers of Francis William Lamb, which remained at his residence Woodfield House and were inherited along with the property by his eldest son Reverend Adam Lamb.

Postcard to Francis William Lamb.
IE OH OHS77/4/1/2/5 · Pièce · 25 Jul 1934
Fait partie de Woodfield Papers

Postcard sent to Francis William Lamb at Woodfield, Clara, County Offaly, regarding books of Oliver St John Gogarty's poems.