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DeRenzy Papers
IE OCL P50/9 · Subfonds · 1630-1706

Legal agreements in the form of deeds and indentures relating to the Derenzy family’s title and interest in lands in the vicinity of Tinnycross, County Offaly. The earliest deed dating from 1630, records Sir Mathew de Renzi purchasing the townlands of Ballynashragh, Ballycosny, Tyrenehinan, Kilmore and Derry, all in the barony of Ballycowen, on behalf of his son Mathew DeRenzy, then at the bar in London. The vendor was Robert Branthwaite of London, who had been granted the land by letters patent of King James I. Further adjoining townlands of Rossnagouloge or Cappanure were purchased by Sir Mathew from Allen Jones in 1630, and the following year the adjacent townlands of Derrykilliagh and Kilbeg were purchased from Art McOwen O’Molloy. All were settled on his son, Mathew DeRenzy.
The bulk of the collection consists of numerous leases and mortgages raised against the land by Mathew DeRenzy between 1699 and 1703, while he lived at Cloghbemon in County Wexford. Later items in the collection relate to the sale of the lands to Reverend James Cox, Archdeacon of Ferns.

de Renzi, Sir Mathew
IE OH OHS 88 · Fonds · 1786

Canvas-backed paper map of the former county town of Philipstown (Daingean) compiled by Arthur Richards Neville in June 1786 for Richard Nassau Molesworth, 4th Viscount Molesworth (1748-1793). The map covers 2887 statute acres and includes environs of the town. The plots are numbered 1-130 with an accompanying reference table describing the contents of each land-holding unit. The reference is tabular, listing tenants' name, description of the holdings (e.g. 'a very fine farm all good meadow', 'good high Meadow & Pasture', 'great red bog', 'poor ground' etc) a yearly value and a sum total of the east and south east side of Philipstown.

Scale 20 perch to the inch (1:5040)

Neville, Arthur Richards
IE OH OHS87/F · Item · 1799
Part of Bellair Estate Papers

Folded map of parts of the lands of Bellair, "the estate of the Reverend John Mulock being now in the possession of his son, in Bellair, Thomas Homan Mulock. Situated in the King's County, and barony of Garrycastle'".
Surveyed in May 1799 by Thomas Cloonin.
Scale of ten perches to an inch.

IE OH OHS87/E/1/1 · File · 1819 - 1820
Part of Bellair Estate Papers

Invoices, bills and estimates for renovations carried out to Bellair House, includes:

Invoice from Brussels Kidderminster and Flax Carpeting;
List of carpenters' work to be done at Bellair;
Invoice from John Brierly, Fancy Muslin & Trimming Warehouse, No 40, Dorset Street;
Invoice from Looking-Glass and Picture Frame Warehouse, No 24, Clare Street, Dublin;
Invoice from Matthew West, Old Established Plate, Plated and Jewellery Warehouse, No 15 Skinner-Row, Dublin;
Invoice from Morgans Cabinet Makers & Upholders, Dublin.

Bellair House Renovations
IE OH OHS87/E/1/2 · File · 1838
Part of Bellair Estate Papers

Handwritten notes, invoices and correspondence relating to renovations carried out to Bellair House in 1838.
Includes detailed report prepared by Michael Murray, builder, for Thomas Mulock of specifications of work proposed to be done for erecting a private chapel at Bellair.

Workhouse Register 1842-1843
IE OCL BG164/7/1 · Item · 1842-1843
Part of Records of Parsonstown Union

Register recording details of residents admitted to the Parsonstown Workhouse, the first of which dating from the opening of the workhouse on 2 April 1842 to June 1843. Includes 12 pages of index of name and register number.

Provides details of names of resident, sex, age, marital status, employment, religion, disability type, name of spouse, number of children, observations, electoral division and townland, date when admitted or born in workhouse, and date when discharged or died in workhouse.