File of letters sent to Henry Trench between 1877 and 1879.
The file contains letters sent by family, friends, business contacts and acquaintances. Examples of letters include a 1877 letter from D.A M'Cready regarding five leases that require Henry's signature; three letters dated 1878 from E Williams, Main Street, Parsonstown regarding Japanese trays and a letter from K.L Kirkpatrick thanking Henry for sending him a pedigree and a letter from J.A Davis, Kilcoleman parsonage, Parsonstown regarding forwarding an application to the Lord Bishop and Rural Dean .
The majority of the letters sent in 1879 were concerned with issues such as Shannon Drainage and leasing property. Examples of such letters include a letter from G Weston, 32 Essex Street, Strand, London, regarding clay work; a letter containing a copy of 'Hydraulic tables, coefficients, and formulae for finding the discharge of water from orifices, notches, weirs, pipes and rivers' by John Neville and a draft lease property in Banagher sent to George Arthur Waller for sixty one years.