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IE OCL P131/2/2/1/3 · Dossier · 3 January 1877-13 September 1879
Fait partie de Loughton Papers

File of letters sent to Henry Trench between 1877 and 1879.

The file contains letters sent by family, friends, business contacts and acquaintances. Examples of letters include a 1877 letter from D.A M'Cready regarding five leases that require Henry's signature; three letters dated 1878 from E Williams, Main Street, Parsonstown regarding Japanese trays and a letter from K.L Kirkpatrick thanking Henry for sending him a pedigree and a letter from J.A Davis, Kilcoleman parsonage, Parsonstown regarding forwarding an application to the Lord Bishop and Rural Dean .

The majority of the letters sent in 1879 were concerned with issues such as Shannon Drainage and leasing property. Examples of such letters include a letter from G Weston, 32 Essex Street, Strand, London, regarding clay work; a letter containing a copy of 'Hydraulic tables, coefficients, and formulae for finding the discharge of water from orifices, notches, weirs, pipes and rivers' by John Neville and a draft lease property in Banagher sent to George Arthur Waller for sixty one years.

Rental of Banagher Estate
IE OCL P22 · collection · 1834-1840

Manuscript rent roll for the Banagher Estate, King's County. Lists tenants' names and rents paid for the years 1835-1840. Verso contains general directions for seizing sale stocks and property in the even of non-payment of rent: '...you are to proceed against any tenant who does not pay or get time. This rule is of first importance. If you know of any reason why time may not be safely given you are to mention it should such delay be applied for...'

Also includes a printed rental from 1834 possibly drawn up for sale of lands in the encumbered estates court.

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IE BCA ROSSE/M/5 · Dossier · 1868-1910
Fait partie de The Rosse Papers

Letters and papers of the 4th Earl about Parsonstown/Birr: the Castle – his youthful recollections of it, extensions to it 1867-72 [see also M/25], a magazine portrait of his way of life there, 1898, and magazine obituaries of him, 1908; an incident which took place on the road between Banagher and Parsonstown and in which the 4th Earl and his party were stopped and temporarily put in gaol by a drunken R.I.C. man, 1868; the Parsonstown Barracks, 1869, 1899 and N.D.; the Parsonstown Town Commission and Commissioners, 1870 and 1885; admissions to the demesne of privileged locals, 1876-1910; and one of the bridges in the Birr Castle demesne, and the Rivers Brosna and Camcor, 1880 and 1896. The correspondents include Gladstone, W.E. Forster and Lords Strathnairn and Roberts. The sub-section also includes a small account book recording local subscriptions to the Parsonstown Defence Association, the Property Defence Association, the legal fund of the Irish Land Committee, and the Field and Rossmore Testimonials, c.1882.

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Notice for Banagher Horse Fair
IE OCL P21 · collection · 1909

Public notice of Rev. William Robert Trench, market authority and patentee of the fairs of the town of Banagher. States that all horses brought to the fair shall be sold between the entrance gate of Major Armstrong's residence at Claremount and the Bridge of Banagher.
Printed at the King's County Chronicle Office, Birr.

Draft letters to Dean Monaghan PP
IE OCL P35/1/3 · Pièce · undated
Fait partie de Papers of R.H. Moore

Undated handwritten draft address to Dean Monaghan PP from the teachers and pupils of Banagher National School on the occasion of his visit to the school. Address notes, 'the beautiful school in which we at present stand is in itself a lasting testimony of your untiring efforts to secure for us, one of the greatest of earthly blessings, a sound Catholic Education.'