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Records of Clavin's Butchers, Tullamore
IE OCL P27 · Fondo · 1923-40

Notebook of Thomas Clavin, butcher at 19 William St, Tullamore, detailing animals purchased on fair days indicating price paid and name of vendor. Also includes looseleaf pages recording the meat account, wages paid, sheep slaughtered and a memorandum from the Department of Agriculture.

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IE OH OHS31/E/1 · Unidad documental simple · c. 2013
Parte de O'Brennan Family Papers

Photocopies of articles from newspapers and books relating to the Tullamore Incident, Irish Volunteer organisation in Offaly,and internment in Frongoch. Also includes a photocopy and transcript from a minute book of the Old IRA Association Tullamore Branch (1948). Also includes photocopy of the military pensions record of Clonaghadoo Co., 4th Batt.