Film roll, Irish Mist Film, Joe Yerkes;
Audio cassettes, programme with German, French and Italian versions;
Recording tapes from Radio and TV programs with conversation between Robert Briscoe and Desmond Williams, 1964
Memoranda and articles of association of various companies related to the Distillery in Tullamore, D. E. Williams Ltd. and the Williams Group.
Routine letters to clients, generally 1 per page. Badly faded and illegible in parts.
Includes letter to Fr. J. Bergin, Philipstown: 'As you are aware a Notice of every Charitable Request has to be published in some newspaper circulating in the District in which the Charity is to be applied - published in 3 successive issues of such newspaper. I had the Notice in this case published in An Claidheamh Soluis, the organ of the Gaelic League which you may have seen. I enclose a copy for reference. The copies of the paper containing the Notice have to be lodged with the Commissioners of Charitable Donations who invariably require some evidence that the paper containing the Notice has some circulation in the District. I know of my own knowledge that the paper does circulate more or less in the District. However, all the evidence the Commissioners require, as you will see from enclosed letter, its a letter from you as parish priest of Philipstown and Clonfert stating that you have seen this notice published. I shall be much obliged if you would kindly write us such a letter.' (7 February 1912)
Civil bill register containing details of plaintiffs, defendants, causes of action and amounts payable. Alphabetically indexed by surname.
including A4 fire insurance application to Hibernian Bank with list of Williams property in Tullamore
Newenham Mulligan & Associates - photocopies:
Ground Floor Plan x2
Plan of First Floor