Affichage de 303 résultats

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9 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Leases of premises in or near Birr

Box of leases of premises in or near Birr which, even with the aid of Q/16/1, it has not proved possible to pin precisely or even approximately.

Leases of premises in Castle Street

Box of leases of premises in Castle Street, including a lease and counterpart lease of ‘Crotty’s Church’, 1837 [see E/11], and papers relating to the sale of a Castle Street fee farm grant to the personal representatives of Claude Corcoran. The box also includes a large folder of correspondence about the Birr Trustee Company’s proposed purchase of Spinner’s
Bistro in Castle Street, which was eventually bought by another party.

Leases of and papers related to premises in or near Main Street, Birr

Half-box of leases of premises in or near Main Street, also called ‘the street of Birr’ or ‘the town street’. This sub-section also includes papers relating to the sale of fee farm grants of Bowes’ Shop (purchased by Mary McLoughlin)
and Griffin’s Bakery (purchased by John and Arthur Joyce), both on Main Street.

Leases of premises in or near Mill Lane

Envelope of leases of premises in or near Mill Lane. The envelope also includes papers relating to the sale of a Mill Lane fee farm grant to John Harte.

Leases of premises in Graveyard Street

Leases of premises in Graveyard Street, which in the lease of 1857 is described as having been re-named ‘High Street’, [though this name did not stick. In date order.]

Résultats 1 à 10 sur 303