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IE OH OHS77/9/7/15 · Item · 5 Oct 1920
Part of Woodfield Papers

Advertisement for a clearance sale of live stock, farm implements, farm produce, and household furniture in Clara on Tuesday, 5 October 1920. Posted by McGlynn and Hanlon Auctioneers, and printed by Athlone and Tullamore Printing Works.

Lamb Family
IE OCL P11 · Fonds · 1906-1910

Four printed catalogues of the Winter Show, Edenderry for the years 1906, 1907, 1909 and 1910. Lists the president of the society as Rev. J. Kearney PP, and a full list of the executive committee in each catalogue. The rules of the society and the agricultural show is also given along with the names of judges in the categories for prizes in cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry, eggs, bread, butter, honey, grain, potatoes, root crops, horses and garden produce. Also contains extensive advertising from businesses in Edenderry and surrounds.

Edenderry Poor Law Union Industrial and Agricultural Society