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Archival description
The Rosse Papers
The Rosse Papers
Pte. C. W. Henry
Pte. C. W. Henry
1902 Mens' Sodality Group Tullabeg
1902 Mens' Sodality Group Tullabeg
1902 Mens' Sodality Group Tullabeg Verso
1902 Mens' Sodality Group Tullabeg Verso
1902 Mens' Sodality Group Tullabeg Caption
1902 Mens' Sodality Group Tullabeg Caption
Photograph of the 1982 Mens’ Sodality Group
Photograph of the 1982 Mens’ Sodality Group
Juniors Tullabeg 1909
Juniors Tullabeg 1909
Juniors Tullabeg 1909 caption
Juniors Tullabeg 1909 caption
Group of Jesuits at Tullabeg
Group of Jesuits at Tullabeg
Group of Jesuits Tullabeg caption
Group of Jesuits Tullabeg caption