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Letterbook 1911-1912
IE OH OHS1/1/1 · Unidad documental simple · October 1911- February 1912
Parte de Records of Rogers & Co. Solicitors

Routine letters to clients, generally 1 per page. Badly faded and illegible in parts.
Includes letter to Fr. J. Bergin, Philipstown: 'As you are aware a Notice of every Charitable Request has to be published in some newspaper circulating in the District in which the Charity is to be applied - published in 3 successive issues of such newspaper. I had the Notice in this case published in An Claidheamh Soluis, the organ of the Gaelic League which you may have seen. I enclose a copy for reference. The copies of the paper containing the Notice have to be lodged with the Commissioners of Charitable Donations who invariably require some evidence that the paper containing the Notice has some circulation in the District. I know of my own knowledge that the paper does circulate more or less in the District. However, all the evidence the Commissioners require, as you will see from enclosed letter, its a letter from you as parish priest of Philipstown and Clonfert stating that you have seen this notice published. I shall be much obliged if you would kindly write us such a letter.' (7 February 1912)

Letterbook 1913-1914
IE OH OHS1/1/3 · Unidad documental simple · October 1913 - May 1914
Parte de Records of Rogers & Co. Solicitors

Copies of approximately 1000 outgoing letters, averaging at 1 per page. Some letters illegible due to fading.
Includes letter to E. des. H. Browne, Charleville Estate Office, Tullamore re Sherlock Estate: ' Replying to yours of the 20th inst. It is begging the question to suggest that these tenants understood or were satisfied with the last receipts you gave, or with any of the receipts. The original rent in the time of Sherlock's predecessor was £2.1.10. I have a whole bundle of receipts in evidence of this. It was customary by the Landlord as shown by receipts to give a substantial abatement off this rent and eventually some years before Mr. Sherlock became owner and according to my instructions after a valuation was made by the agent, the rent was fixed at the figure of rent paid. The original tenant was John Fitzgerald Snr and his brother Bernard resided on the lands with him. John allowed Bernard the use of half the lands on paying half the rent., and eventually Bernard's name found its way into the rental, and ever since Mr. Sherlock acquired the estate, half of the rent was paid by Bernard. John died and was succeeded by his widow Mrs Bridget Fitzgerald on whose death John Fitzgerald Jr became the tenant, and John Jr and Bernard appear to be now tenants in common of these lands. I give you these particulars as Mr. Sherlock in court did not seem to be conversant with the facts. It is admitted that the yearly rent of £1.14.0 has been regularly paid every year. These illiterate men paid very little attention to receipts which they can hardly be blamed for not understanding: they were content so long as they paid their year's rent and heard no more about it. But now that the question has been raised they will naturally decline to pay the next gale of rent except in exchange for a proper receipt up to date.' (28 January 1914)

Lease of Gorteen to Isaac Carey
IE OH OHS3/A/1/6 · Unidad documental simple · 20 July 1792
Parte de Geashill Estate Papers

Lease for part of the lands of Gorteen from Henry Earl Digby to Issac Carey for three lives from 20 July 1792, at the yearly rate of £2-0-3.
Including 'A map of Part of Gurteen situate King's County. Part of the Estate of The Right HonourableEarl of Digby containing 6.1.30 plantation measure. Surveyed in 1786 by Pat Roe and copied in 1792 by Michael Cuddehy', hand coloured, scale of 20 Perches to an Inch, bordering land leased to Dominik Kelly, Owen Quinn and Thomas Warren.

Lease of Gorteen to John Cruise
IE OH OHS3/A/1/7 · Unidad documental compuesta · July 1792
Parte de Geashill Estate Papers

Lease and a draft lease for part of the lands of Gorteen from Henry Earl Digby to John Cruise for three lives from 20 July 1792, at the yearly rate of £3-1-3.
Including 'A map of the lands of Gurteen in the Parish of Geashill Barony of Geashill and King's County the Estate of The Right Honourable Henry Lord Digby let to John Cruise. Containing 6.0.20 Surveyed in 1786 by Pat and John Roe', hand coloured, scale of 20 Perches to an Inch, bordering land leased to Owen Quinn, Southerland and Dominick Kelly.

IE OH OHS3/A/1/12 · Unidad documental simple · 25 March 1797
Parte de Geashill Estate Papers

Lease of part of the lands of Raheenduff from Edward Earl Digby to John M. Tarleton for three lives from 1797, at the yearly rate of £61-4-3.
Including 'A map of part Raheenduff in the Barony of Geashill and King's County containing 104.0.33 plantation measure. Part of the Estate of The Right Honourable Earl of Digby in tenure of John Weldon Tarleton Esq. in 1793 by Michael Cuddehy', hand coloured, scale of 20 Perches in one Inch

Lease of Ballyduff to William Southern
IE OH OHS3/A/1/17 · Unidad documental simple · 25 March 1800
Parte de Geashill Estate Papers

Lease of part of the lands of Ballyduff from Edward Earl Digby to William Southern, at the yearly rate of £59-12-10.
Including 'A map of part Ballyduff containing 59.2.23 Plantation measure. Part of the Estate of The Right Honourable Earl of Digby in the Barony of Geashill and King's County. Layed down by a scale of 20 Perches in one Inch in February 1800 by Michael Cuddehy', hand coloured.

Lease of Logmore to Bartholomew Yarr
IE OH OHS3/A/1/22 · Unidad documental simple · 7 March 1818
Parte de Geashill Estate Papers

Lease of the Lands of Logmore [Lugmore] from Edward Earl Digby to Bartholomew Yarr for one live or 35 years from 25 March 1818, at the yearly rate of £1.15.0.
Including 'A map of Logmore in the Barony of Geashill and King's County. Part of the Estate of The Right Honorable Earl Digby. Surveyed by John Molloy 1818', hand coloured, scale 20 Perches to an Inch, with bordering land leased to John Warren, Martin Dunn, Benjamin Odlum, Thomas Buckly, Daniel Commons, Patrick Dempsey and Bernard Dunn.

Lease of Derrygunnigan to William Daly
IE OH OHS3/A/1/26 · Unidad documental simple · 7 November 1818
Parte de Geashill Estate Papers

Lease of part of the lands of Derrygunnigan from Edward Earl Digby to William Daly for one life, or twenty-one years from 25 March 1818, at the yearly rate of £9-0-0.
Including 'A map of part of Derrygunningham Commonage in the Barony of Geashill and King's County. Part of the Estate of the Right Honourable Earl Digby. Surveyed by John Molloy 1815', hand coloured, scale 20 Perches to an Inch, with bordering land leased to William and John Gibbs.