File of letters between Dora Turnor and her father Christopher Turnor, her mother Lady Caroline Turnor, Bertha Turnor, Graham Turnor and Cecil Turnor.
The majority of the letters were sent to Bertha Turnor who is addressed as 'Tuz'. The letters were sent from across Europe as Dora visited places such as Pau, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France; Menton, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France and Genoa, Italy. Topics covered within the letters include Dora's ongoing struggle with her health as she deals with asthma, her meeting with friends, her day to day activities, her husband Benjamin Bloomfield Trench and her impressions of the places she visits.
File also contain letters stitched into two covers from Lady Caroline Turnor (neé Finch-Hatton), Stoke Rochford, Grantham, Lincolnshire, England to her daughter Dora Trench (neé Turnor). The letters are of a personal nature informing Dora of her day to activities, news and dispensing advice. Contained with the cover are loose pages of household notes.File of letters sent to and from Dora Turnor when she was a child from family and friends. Her Friends include Josepha Martenson, Copenhagen, Denmark; Edith Holland, Kemerton court Tewkesbury, England; E. Blythe, The Vicarage, Hammersmith, England and Mrs Askew.