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              6 Archival description results for Labour

              6 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
              Account Book
              IE OCL P25/1 · Item · 1855-1891
              Part of Records of Kelly's Farm, Bunsallagh

              Farm account book devised for use by agricultural schools and model farms. Includes labour accounts for each week, indicating casual labourers hired for the farm and the house. Also includes cash accounts, valuations and inventory. Heavily annotated throughout with memoranda columns used on occasion to note local births, marriages and deaths up until 1912.

              Some of the labourers hired as servants show outgoings in cash to purchase boots, clothes or to give to parents.

              Account Book
              IE OCL P25/2 · Item · 1883-1899
              Part of Records of Kelly's Farm, Bunsallagh

              Partially used farm account book including labour accounts, cash accounts, valuation and inventory. Mainly used to record hiring of casual labour for the farm and the house. Annotated in parts with local births, marriages and deaths.

              IE OCL P14 · Fonds · 1918-1919

              Small bound notebook, ruled for tracking wages of casual labourers. Lists names of workmen, the number of days per week (out of six days) worked, rate of wages and amount earned. Also includes notes on pay increases or bonuses earned. Although there is no mention of the type of work, all employees are male.

              Parsons, Laurence, 6th Earl of Rosse
              IE OH OHS3/G/2/10 · File · 1947 - 1950
              Part of Geashill Estate Papers

              Original incoming and copy outgoing correspondence relating to the administration of the Geashill Estate. Matters referred to include Matters referred to include repairs to tenants’ houses; employer’s liability insurance premiums; cleaning of sewage at Geashill Garda Barrack; repairs to boiler at Clonad Saw Mills; a visit by Lord Digby to Ashford Castle and Birr Castle; the possibility of three phase electricity to Clonad in the future; queries on the rights of Lord Digby to buy land in Ireland at the same rate of stamp duty as an Irish citizen under the Irish Nationality & Citizens Act 1935-1937; and the death of George Muir on 22 September 1950.

              Includes letter from Offaly County Council to Goodbody Solicitors regarding the felling of trees on Digby estate to "give clear passage on public roads for buses and in other cases to prevents damage to road by overhanging trees". (24 November 1948).

              Includes letter from the Department of Industry & Commerce in relation to an inspection carried out at Clonad Sawmills under the Holiday (Employee) Act 1929, where irregularity was observed in annual leave and that “workers not allowed 7 consecutive whole holiday within their employment years” (18 July 1950). This was responded to by the Estate Agents on 1 August 1950 confirming that this statutory would be observed at the sawmills.

              Kennedy, Kenneth A.
              OCL P29 Lennon Page 46
              IE OCL P29/46 · Part · 11 August 1921
              Part of Autograph book of John Lennon/Maggie B. Corcoran

              Quote transcribed by Frank McGuinness (Kilbeggan), Rath Camp:

              Work Advice

              'Work my friends, is the lot of man! Man was sent into this world to earn his living by the sweat of his brow. You didn't find Adam walking about the Garden of Eden with his hands in his pockets! '

              IE OCL P25 · Fonds · 1854-1912

              Farm account books and invoices relating to Kelly Farm, Bunsallagh, Croghan.

              Kelly Family