Townsend Street

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        Townsend Street

        TG Birr

        Townsend Street

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          Townsend Street

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            Townsend Street

              2 Descrição arquivística resultados para Townsend Street

              2 resultados diretamente relacionados Excluir termos específicos
              Leases of premises in Mellsop/Townsend Street
              IE BCA ROSSE/Q/77 · Ficheiro · [1824-2001]
              Parte de The Rosse Papers

              Envelope of leases of premises in Mellsop Street, the last of them stating that it is now known as Townsend Street. [In date order.] The envelope also includes papers relating to the sale of Townsend Street fee farm grants to Michael Kearns
              and Gerard and Evelyn Bell.