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              105 Archival description results for Ballinagar

              105 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
              Annual Report 1865
              IE OCCHO DIGBY/A/9 · Item · 1865
              Part of Digby Irish Estates

              Annual report for year ending 1865 containing details of the rental of the estate and the slow recovery of the financial situation. Describes the low level of emigration from the estate in comparison to the rest of Ireland. Also describes drainage and land improvements at Ballyknockan, Ballycollin and Annagharvey, and at the new farm known as 'The Prairie.' Reports on tillage of corn and the sowing of grain, rape, grass-seed and potatoes.

              Reports on the transformation of the village of Killeigh from a state where peripheral houses had already fallen in and the houses on the main street had become too dangerous and too exposed to the weather to live in, to newly built cottages which were entered for competition of Gold Medal of the Royal Agricultural Society of Ireland for the best cottages in the province of Leinster and also won the challenge cup offered by the Duke of Leinster. Other buildings include a new house for the miller at Killeigh and Odlum of Ballymooney required extensive additions to his premises. A long range of offices were built for Mr Denning in Cappancur and a new forge was built in Ballinagar.

              Also reports on the clearance of Clonad Woods and the purchase of an interest in a considerable plantation in Ballydownan. Regarding threats from Ribbonmen, the report states that Killurin is now the only part of the estate subject to outrages, chiefly of the robberies of foresters of the estate. Also reports that emigration rates have fallen and only sons and daughters of small farmers are leaving for America to join other family members.

              Annual Report 1870
              IE OCCHO DIGBY/A/14 · Item · 1870
              Part of Digby Irish Estates

              Annual report and rental for year ending June 1870, containing general reports and accounts detailing the receipts and disbursement on the estate for the preceding year. Financial report is generally favourable. Drainage report outlines a reclamation project in Newtown between the railway and Tullamore Road. Also reports on 11 acres drained in Ballyduff for large tenant, Richard Odlum, 50 acres reclaimed in Ballinagar where previously marshes made the road from Ballinasloe unsafe for cattle, and the draining of Flynn's Moors in Derryweelan. Describes the success of the new sheep-washing pool formed in Lugmore main drain. Reports that it is used by almost everyone and that one of the largest tenants, Mr Ridgeway, proposed to wash 1110 sheep within one hour. The Trenchs came out at the appointed time, seats were provided for spectators 'and he won his bet easily with 7 minutes to spare.'

              Referring to building improvements, 80 houses were changed from thatched roofs to slate, and the RASI awarded the Gold Medal for improving the greatest amount of cottages in the best manner in the province of Leinster. Woods and plantations report included details on the thinning of Derrygunnigan of large and useless timber, which was subsequently purchased by the Great Southern and Western Railway (5000 cubic feet of beech) but that the expense of drawing it across the bog to Tullamore detracted from the profits.

              Also reports on 'peculiar violence and bloodshed in the surrounding district in counties' including the shooting in the face of Mr. Warburton, High Sherrif of Queen's County by a Mr Conroy, whose land, Mr Warburton had taken up. Describes an outrage on the other side of Geashill, where the same Mr Conroy attacked Mr O'Connor and cut his nose off while two other men held revolvers to his chest. 'Mr. O'Connor got an excellent nose to replace the one he had' and Conroy was sentenced to 14 years penal servitude. Other outrages included the brutal murder by Shields and his sister of a Mr Dunn - 'Very little excitement in the county and both were quietly hanged & buried within the precincts of the gaol.' Also includes further reports of attacks on gentry in Meath and Westmeath.

              Annual Report 1871
              IE OCCHO DIGBY/A/15 · Item · 1871
              Part of Digby Irish Estates

              Annual report and rental for year end June 1871, reporting a favourable financial situation on the estate and outlining the receipts and disbursements for the previous year. Describes the drainage of lands contiguous to the Clodiagh river and the formation of the Clodiagh Embankment, 490 statute perches in length. Also describes the completion of main drains at Derryweelan, Annagharvey and Killellery and notes improvements undertaken in Ballinagar and Ballyduff. In relation to buildings and repairs, he notes that there has been almost complete remodel of old houses and sundry other improvements 'that they might almost be classes as under new buildings.' Also reports that income from woods and plantations is reduced this year due to the 'improper and dishonest conduct of Forester Corbett'. Roskeen, Queen's County, is introduced to the accounts for the first time as an independent estate as Trench cites the differing rental schedules and differing counties as reasons for them not to be amalgamated in the rental.

              In general, Trench is pleased not only with the improvements in the houses but also in the habits of the people, the tillage and agriculture and the green crops. On a more personal note, he expresses his 'deep grief' at the decision of his son, T. W. Trench to resign his post as Resident Agent on the Geashill estate. Describes him as 'beloved and respected by the tenantry and looked up to and appreciated by men of all creeds, politics or religions as a man of integrity, honour and intelligence.' Concludes by expressing this confidence that Lord Digby's nephew, Reginald Digby, will be an able successor to his son.

              Annual Report 1875
              IE OCCHO DIGBY/C/3 · Item · 1875
              Part of Digby Irish Estates

              Annual report, rental and accounts for year ending June 1875, containing a positive report on the financial condition of the estate, with £9000 profit remitted to Lord Digby as in other years. Expenditure included the purchase of the glebe lands of Geashill from the Commission of Church Temporalities in Ireland for the sum of £3200. The glebe lands were subsequently let to Mr. Chissell.

              Drainage works continued with the completion of a drain between Meelaghans and Cloncon to which the Earl of Charleville had paid £50. Other works included extensive reclamation works at Cappyroe and new reclamation works at Cappancur near the town of Tullamore. Expenditure on construction included £700 for a new and substantial farmhouse for Mr E. J. Odlum at Cappancur; two new houses at Killurin; a back yard for Mr Riddell at Annagharvey; raising and re-roofing of Mr Tarleton's house at Killeigh; and improvements to J. Forester's house in Ballinagar.

              Notes the bad state of timber at Clonad and discusses new plan to recover the plantation there. Overall the condition of the estate is reported to satisfactory and having 'absolute immunity from disturbance or apparent discontent', with only one man in all the tenantry owing one half-year's rent, all others paid punctually.

              Annual Report 1877
              IE OCCHO DIGBY/C/5 · Item · 1877
              Part of Digby Irish Estates

              Annual report, accounts and rental for year ending June 1877, reporting no outstanding arrears with all rents paid punctually and not a single farm surrendered despite a bad harvest. Increased profit of £10,000 remitted to Lord Digby attributable to extra rents from the glebe lands of Killeigh and Geashill. Expenditure on drainage continued with works at Ballydownan bog and the thorough cleaning of the watercourse on the estate boundary between Cappancur and the late McMullen's bog at Ballydaly. Digby reports that the only centenarian tenant on the estate had been forced to sleep on his kitchen table due to the repeated flooding of his cabin in this area. A new drain was also sunk near Ballycommon canal bridge through the valley behind Ballinagar.

              Construction works consisted of a new cattle shed for Darby Kelly, 'an improving tenant' in Cloncoher; new labourer's cottages at the Meelaghans; new cattle shed for Mr Davis, tenant of the reclaimed Meelaghans lands; a new dwelling house for J. Smollen of the Meelaghans; and the raising and repairing of the smith's house in Killeigh. Eighteen acres of the River Wood at Clonad was thoroughly drained and replanted with larch and oak.

              Overall Digby reports that the estate is quiet and free from the disturbances and outrages perpetrated in other parts of the county.

              Annual Report 1893
              IE OCCHO DIGBY/D/4 · Item · 1893
              Part of Digby Irish Estates

              Annual report, accounts and rental for year ending June 1893, showing a slight decrease in gross rent received and an increase in abandoned arrears due to the eviction of three tenants: Michael Malone, Danganbeg; John Dunne, Ballinagar; and Michael Coughlan, Cappancur. Digby notes that he was able to re-let Malone and Dunne's holdings but that it was 'impossible' to re-let Coughlan's farm. Also notes that Lord Digby granted a 15% rent reduction to non-judicial tenants as a result of continued depressed prices and great injury caused by an excessively wet harvest.

              Caretaker agreements
              IE OH OHS3/A/3/6 · File · 1877-1926
              Part of Geashill Estate Papers

              Caretaker agreements with agreed weekly payments for premises in the townands of Killarles, Cappyroe, Ballyknockan, Cappanageeragh, Clonmore, Killellery, Ballinagar, Colehill, Knockballyboy, Bawnmore, Newtown and for Geashill Castle (front gate).

              IE OCL P74 · Fonds · 1798-1799

              Survey and valuation of the Digby estate completed by Michael Cuddehy, land surveyor, for Lord Digby, on 3 January 1798 and a further valuation on 25 June 1799 listing lands in the barony of Geashill that are out of lease. Townlands surveyed in the initial valuation are listed in Cuddehy's accompanying note as Annaharvey, Ballymooney, Ballyknockan, Ballycue and Ballyduff, although only those of Ballycue and Ballyduff are extant. The valuation is tabular, listing tenants' names, a description of their holdings (e.g. 'moory pasture', 'oat field', 'big fallow field' etc.), a measurement in A.R.P (acres, roods, perches) and a yearly value.

              The second list entitled 'Lands in the Barony of Geashill out of lease except the parts disposed of as herein 25 June 1799' contain a list of the townlands Annaharvey, Ballymooney, Ballycue, Bluebell, Ballyduff , Dalgan, Ballydownan, Curragh, Killellery, Ballyavill, Cappincur, Kinockballyboy, Ballinagar, Killleigh, Scrub, Killeenmore, and Killurin. Each description is accompanied by a reference number for a map by Cuddehy which is not extant. There are also comments by Cuddehy on certain plots such as 'Darby Smollen declared tenant' in respect of a plot in Ballydownan and he notes that Cuddehy himself is proposed for a plot in Ballymooney of 149 acres.

              Digby, Family of the Barons
              IE OH OHS3/A/1/120 · Item · 1 September 1825
              Part of Geashill Estate Papers

              Lease of part of the lands of Ballinagar from Edward Earl Digby to Lawrence Byrne for one life, or twenty-one years from 25 March 1825, at the yearly rate of £15-2-3.
              Including 'A map of part of the lands of Ballinagar in the Barony of Geashill and King's County. Part of the Estate of the Right Honourable Earl Digby. Surveyed by John Molloy 1827', hand coloured, scale 20 Perches to an Inch, with bordering land leased to Barney Dunne, Mrs Mason, John Hipple, James Melen, John McGuire and James and Nicholas Melin.