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14 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
Memoir by Kathleen Barnwell, Birr
IE OCL P31 · Pièce · 1918-1985

Typescript of memoir titled ‘Do You Remember’. Recounts the life in Birr and covers the following subjects: soldiers from Birr returning from World War I (1918), the Treaty (1921), occupation of Free State Troops of ‘The Gorm' (the workhouse) in Birr (1922), burning of Crinkle Barracks (1922) and other reminiscences of life in Birr from 1930s to 1980s.

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IE BCA ROSSE/V · Sous-fonds · 1840-1945
Fait partie de The Rosse Papers

Letters and papers of the successive Rosse agents, George and Toler R. Garvey Senior and Junior, in their capacity as agents for other estates, mainly in King's County and Tipperary, 1840-1945.

King's County estates other than the Rosse estate include the Bannon estate at Broughall; the Bennett estate at Thomastown; Malone Barrett estate at Temora; Biddulph estate at Coolinariney; the Drought estate at Whigsboruogh; Hacektt estate of Moore Park, Birr; Kemmis estate at Coolnahely and other areas; King estate at Ballylin; Head estate at Derrylahen; Holmes estate at Moneygall; Mooney estate at The Doon; and the Piggott estate at Shragh.

Outside of King's County, the Garveys represented the Briscoe Eyre estate at Eyrecourt, Co Galway; Galbraith estate at and around Loughrea, Co Galway; Kingscote estate at Newport, Co. Tipperary; Holmes estate at Nenagh Co. Tipperary; Lodwick estate at Lisheen, Co Tipperary; Piggott estate at Dundrum, Co Down and Tincurry , Co Tipperary; Purser estate of Arborhill and Clonmona, Co Tipperary; and the Toler estate at and around Nenagh, Co. Tipperary.

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Postcard of Birr Castle.
IE OH OHS77/9/4/4/3 · Pièce
Fait partie de Woodfield Papers

Postcard of Birr Castle viewed from the river, purchased from Richard J Sheppard, Bookseller and Stationer, Birr, County Offaly.

IE BCA ROSSE/T/31 · Dossier · 1921-1937
Fait partie de The Rosse Papers

Letters to the Viscountess de Vesci, mother of the sixth earl, to her brother-in-law, the Hon. Geoffrey L. Parsons, and to the agent for the Rosse estates, Toler R. Garvey Junior, (the only person permanently on the spot at Birr during the minority of the sixth earl), concerning the Civil War as it affected Birr Castle and other places; and also including a letter from the Countess of Bandon about the destruction of Castle Bernard, Co. Cork, and the kidnapping of her husband, Lord Bandon, 1921. The principal topic however, is the Free State government’s responsibility to the Rosse family for loss and damage incurred as a result of the Free State army’s occupation of Birr Castle from 1922 to 1924, which the shrewd and resourceful Garvey construes as extending to the cost of Lord and Lady de Vesci’s London house, No. 1 Hyde Park Street. Included in the bundle is a copy of a letter from Garvey to the Irish Land Commission arguing that compulsory acquisition of any more of the home farm at Birr would serve as a major disincentive to the sixth earl’s taking up residence and therefore giving widespread employment there on his coming-of-age, 1926.

Includes quotation for removal of six vans of furniture from Birr Castle to London by John Dooly, & Sons, Birr (April 1923)

Includes list of goods taken over by the National Army 28th September 1923, Property of the Trustees of the Earl of Rosse. Value of £235.16.0

Includes draft claim against Free State Government seeking rent and remedy £3000 and rent of Hyde Park (£600).

Includes letter from Office of Public Works settling claim for £3502.2.11 (7 August 1925)

Includes letter from Captain J.F. Hollins, Quartermaster No 2 Brigade, Athlon to Toler Garvey: ‘I wish to inform you that the Troops presently in occupation of the castle will evacuate same as from the 28th inst. In accordance with our regulations it will be necessary for a representative of the Owner, a representative from the Board of Works and of the Military Authorities to examine the premises after evacuation and compile a report as to its condition in comparison to that in which it was taken over by the Military (12 August 1924)

Includes a list by A. Panton Watkinson, painter and decorator, Stephens Green, Dublin, of wear and tear and damage in Birr Castle due to the military occupation. (July 1923)

Includes list of articles missing from Birr Castle May 1927.

Also includes letter from the Committee involved in arranging a plaque to be erected at the archway to the front of Birr Castle in memory of the three young men executed by Free State Troops in 1923. Appends text of the address given by Margaret Hogan, local historian, on the events of 1923. (2003)

Sans titre
IE OCL P15 · collection · 1904-1933

Book of transference certificates from the Presbyterian Church, Birr, with 33 receipt stubs listing members of the Birr congregation that have transferred to other congregations in Dublin, Belfast, and other areas. The certificates record the following information: 'The Presbyterian Church in Ireland Transference Certificate. It is hereby certified that X who leaves the congregation of X at this date is a member in the full communion of the church.' Receipt stubs record the destination congregation of transferring member.

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Birr Castle Workmen's Daybook
IE OCL P14 · collection · 1918-1919

Small bound notebook, ruled for tracking wages of casual labourers. Lists names of workmen, the number of days per week (out of six days) worked, rate of wages and amount earned. Also includes notes on pay increases or bonuses earned. Although there is no mention of the type of work, all employees are male.

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IE OH OHS53 · Pièce · 1893

Bound volume containing book stamp of the Grand Jury Secretary's Office, Parsonstown (Birr), containing an abstract of presentments granted and queries respited and discharged at the Summer Assizes, 1893. Thomas Mitchell of Birr is listed as the grand jury's secretary.

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IE BCA ROSSE/Q/34 · Dossier · [1741-1989]
Fait partie de The Rosse Papers

Box of leases of Clonoghill, barony of Ballybritt, on the outskirts of Birr, and adjoining Newbridge, to which some of the leases refer [see Q/84]. Also mentioned are the 2 substantial houses situated in the townland of Clonoghill,
Elmgrove and Syngefield. A number of papers, ending in 1946, relate to the former property. Because of Clonoghill’s proximity to Birr, an unusually high proportion of the leases also include holdings in the town. One interesting component of the box is the probate of a local land surveyor, Maurice Downer, 1786, whose estate included part of the lands of Clonoghill; this will is of interest as giving some indication of the degree of affluence enjoyed by a member of his profession. The box also includes papers relating to the sale of a fee farm grant of Elmgrove Bridge to Offaly County Council in 1989.

IE BCA ROSSE/Q/35 · Dossier · [1763-1993]
Fait partie de The Rosse Papers

Box of leases of Crinkle, alias Crinkhill, barony of Ballybritt, on the outskirts of Birr, and many of them therefore including holdings in the town. The Crinkle leases also contain an above-average number of integral maps, some of
them rather handsome. Included under Crinkle are the sub-denominations of Whiteford and Birr View, the latter of which is described in a lease of 1797 as ‘the spot of ground whereon the viewing-house for the quality is placed to see the races of Birr’. Crinkle was also the site of the Birr Military Barracks, and a lease of 1831 is from the 2nd Earl of Rosse to the Ordnance Department. A number of the leases are dated 1763 (the earliest date in the box), which would suggest that a substantial middleman’s lease, perhaps of the whole townland, fell in in that year. The box also includes papers relating to the sale of a fee farm grant of the Military Road (purchased by Michael O’Dwyer) and to the sale of the Old Schoolhouse (purchased by John and Sophia Hogan).