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O'Brennan Family Papers
IE OH OHS31 · Colección · 1911-2015

Material relating to Tullamore Incident, March 1916 and the 1916 Rising from the family of Séamus O'Brennan and his brother Alo O' Brennan. Contains postcards, photographs, contemporary newspapers (1916-1917), memoirs, and commemorative newspapers (1966).

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Records of McGinn's Bakery, Tullamore
IE OH OHS72 · Fondo · 1926-1981

Account book, customer a/c, retail and grocery ledgers of McGinn's Bakery, Tullamore.

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National Schools Records
IE OH SC · Fondo · 1870-2017

National school records from various primary schools in Offaly and bordering townlands. Mainly contain registers and roll books concerning, respectively, the registration and the daily attendance of pupils; and also smaller amounts of other records such as daily attendance statistical report books and inspectors books.
The registers record a pupil's name, age, and date of birth, and the address and occupation of parents.

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Sketch maps of William Larkin
IE OH OHS 86 · Fondo · c.1808

Three fragmentary draft or sketch maps on tracing paper of south and west Offaly dating to c.1808, and a fourth of the King's Channel area , County Waterford, dating possibly to Larkin's survey of County Waterford in 1818.

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Charleville Estate Papers
IE OH OHS4 · Fondo · 1633-1985

Estate papers comprising of estate accounts, tenancy agreements, farms accounts, land titles and correspondence.

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IE OCL P68 · Fondo · 1843-1994

Sections A-C contain many thousands of invoices, receipts, cash books, quotations and estimates, contracts, journals, wages records, production records and order books, and any other type of record relating to the daily administration of the business (1843- 1994).
Section D is comprised of thousands of incoming letters and a much lesser volume of copy outgoing letters, arranged in sub-series exactly as created: in bundles of alphabetically filed letters, bundles of letters filed by month and year, letterbooks of copy outgoing letters, correspondence arranged by owner, legal correspondence and some smaller files or correspondence with government departments and millers’ associations (1873-1964).
Section E is an artifically created series containing correspondence, statements of account and advice notes relating to the distribution of grain into and out of Belmont Mills (1874-1947).
Section F is an artificially created series of correspondence, receipts, policies and schedules relating to the extensive insurances taken out on the mills and on the lives of the owners (1874-1936).
Section G is an artificially created series containing investment policies, banking receipts and debtors’ bankruptcy papers (1873-1954).
Section H contains posters, labels, signs, and packaging relating to the marketing of Belmont Mills products (c.1900-1950).
Section J contains income tax receipts, personal correspondence, and account books relating to the Church of Ireland, personal household expenses, and Lisderg Farm (1858-1975).

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Charleville Forest Papers
IE OCL P43 · Colección · 1785 – 1919

An artificially constructed collection of generally dissociated documents relating to the Charleville Estate and the Bury family/earls of Charleville. Contains some legal documents such as marriage settlements and leases; correspondence relating to financial matters on the Charleville Estate and associated estates, e.g., the Marlay estate.; newspaper cuttings on various members of the Bury family; and correspondence and drawings relating to the Bury family jewels.

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Cheque Book of John Locke & Co. Ltd.
IE OCL P8 · Fondo · c.1920

Unused cheque book issued by Provincial Bank of Ireland to John Locke & Co., distillers of pure pot still whiskey, Kilbeggan, Co. Westmeath.

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Birr Castle Workmen's Daybook
IE OCL P14 · Fondo · 1918-1919

Small bound notebook, ruled for tracking wages of casual labourers. Lists names of workmen, the number of days per week (out of six days) worked, rate of wages and amount earned. Also includes notes on pay increases or bonuses earned. Although there is no mention of the type of work, all employees are male.

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