Avonbank Stratford-on-Avon. May 15th 1903'.
- 'The Shakespeare Memorial from garden Avonbank'.
- 'Church from Avonbank'.
- 'From my dressing room'.
- 'Star Fitzjack Stanhope Garden. April 14th 1903'.
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Avonbank Stratford-on-Avon. May 15th 1903'.
Annual report for year ending July 1859, including a list of leasholders and undertenants who have surrendered their several leases; general account of income and expenditure; detailed statements of disbursements including costs of drainage and building improvements; a list for compensation for surrender of tenancies and emigration; and a detailed rental of entire estate.
Contains a summary report outlining the mechanism of the leaseholder's compensation fund, the distribution of which, W. S. Trench describes as 'the most arduous and most serious task of responsibility I have ever had to encounter.' Also discusses estate improvements such as the drainage of 125 statute acres, particularly in Meelaghans where 100 acres 'of miserable cut away bog' was drained and cultivated. Also discusses improvements to the labourers' cottages through the additions of chimneys and windows and a proposal to enter the new cottages for the award of the Gold Medal offered by the Royal Agricultural Society. Further estate improvements include new roads through Killellery, Lugmore and Meelaghans.
Agrarian unrest is also discussed in the context of the case of Henry Kane, tenant, who along with his brother, Michael Kane, each held a farm in Killurin. On the death of Michael, Henry took immediate posssession of his brother's farm, to which the Trenchs objected. Report discusses general tenant support for Kane, even from outside the estate, and includes descriptions of intimidatory tactics by Ribbonmen. Also discusses measures to have Henry Kane ejected from the land altogether.
Drawings in the report include:
Page 2: 'Ancient pan found on Geashill Estate, 4 feet broad x 14 inches deep' (The Geashill Cauldron)
Page 11: 'Ancient keg of butter found 12ft below surface of Red Bog. 2 feet long x 13 inches broad.'
Estate and legal papers comprising of deeds, indentures, tenancy agreements, land titles, correspondence and personal papers relating to the Mulock and Homan-Mulock family of Bellair House, Ballycumber.
Mulock Family, BellairOriginal incoming and copy outgoing letters relating to management of the Charleville estate. Matters referred to include: claims for damage caused to Charleville Castle alleged to have occurred while the military was using the Castle and Electric Plant; list of articles damaged, broken and missing in Charleville Castle; settlement of accounts for preparation of leases to Denis Walsh and John Kelly; letter from Income Tax Advisor agreeing to the sum of £211.14.10 as repayment claim against Colonel Howard Bury's liability as executor of the estate of Lady A J Howard Bury; settlement of the estate of the deceased Lady Howard Bury.
Includes copy of letter from Office of Public Works to Charleville Estate Office, " We have read your letter dated 1st instant regarding the compensation amounting to £341.4.0 awarded in full discharge of all claims by Lady E H Bury arising out of the military occupation of Charleville Castle, Tullamore. Of this award the sum of £100 allowed in respect of structural damage was arrived at by arrangement between local officer, Mr Shortall, and Mr Bouchier, by whom no doubt our reasons for reducing your claim for £141.9.7 under this heading were fully accepted... The assessment of £30 in connection with the use of the electric plant covers all charges in connection therewith. It must be borne in mind that at the beginning of the occupation by the Army the electric plant was not in working order until the military officers had the engine and dynamo overhauled and that the plant was not used continuously by the Army during the occupation. We are satisfied after the most exhaustive inquiries that our allowance for the consumption of coal is fair and reasonable...(23 November 1927).
Bury, Charles Kenneth Howard-Estate papers comprising of estate accounts, tenancy agreements, farms accounts, land titles and correspondence.
Bury Family, Earls of CharlevilleAn artificially constructed collection of generally dissociated documents relating to the Charleville Estate and the Bury family/earls of Charleville. Contains some legal documents such as marriage settlements and leases; correspondence relating to financial matters on the Charleville Estate and associated estates, e.g., the Marlay estate.; newspaper cuttings on various members of the Bury family; and correspondence and drawings relating to the Bury family jewels.
Bury Family, Earls of CharlevilleOriginal incoming and copy outgoing letters relating to Ernest H Browne's management of the Bellair Estate. Matters referred to include the outstanding arrears of rent by W Cooper Clibborn, negotiations of sale between Clibborn and Mulock and decision against disposal of lands. Includes two ordnance survey maps of town of Moate and Killeenboylegan, as well as schedule of tenants on these plots in 1838.
Bundle of deeds and copy deeds constituting a re-settlement of the Rosse estate by the 4th and 5th Earls (1898), with sequel releases and appointments of new trustees of the settlement.
Parsons, Laurence, 4th Earl of RosseThis series contains lease deeds of lands and properties across the Charleville estate as well as, title deeds, deeds of conveyance, wills, marriage settlements, and other documents of legal nature.
Bury Family, Earls of Charleville