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      Hierarchical terms


        Equivalent terms


        • UF Landlords and tenants

        Associated terms

        31 Archival description results for Tenants

        31 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
        Adamson's Head Rent, Curries
        IE OH OHS87/E/3/1 · File · 1905 - 1921
        Part of Bellair Estate Papers

        Original incoming and copy outgoing letters relating to Ernest H Browne's management of the Bellair Estate. Matters referred to include:
        outstanding head rent owed by Henry Adamson for holdings at Curries, Co. Westmeath; attempts to establishment the tenant of the estate between Henry Adamson and Captain Arthur G Adamson; negotiations of purchase price; affidavit granting application the Judicial Commissioner for payment of arrears and Land Commission case.

        Includes letter from Browne to Mulock, "I quite agree with your views, but the difficulty is, from what Goodbody tells me, taking any proceedings against any man who is at the Front, however, we are making inquires at the Land Commission to see exactly how this case stands, and are going to try and ascertain from the Land Commission Officials whether they think it would be likely that a Judge would give an Order for them to pay us direct". (18 February 1916).

        Annual Report 1858
        IE OCCHO DIGBY/A/2 · Item · 1858
        Part of Digby Irish Estates

        First full report submitted by the Trenchs to Lord Digby. Contains a detailed examination of the 'compensation fund' granted by George Wingfield Digby to the leaseholders to indemnify them for the loss of their several leases, which had been illegally granted to them by the previous earl and which the current earl would like to break. Also includes a memorandum describing in great detail, the meeting between Trench and the leaseholders, to discuss the terms of the compensation. Also includes report on the 'mesne' or first-year rates with a full list of the tenants. Also includes 'sundry observations' on the management of the estate 'during the difficult & trying period of our first year of office.' Describes how the 'tenants-at-will' were invited to settle arrears and there was 'a vast amount of dissatisfaction amongst the tenantry.' W. S. Trench describes the discovery of an assassination plot to murder one or other of the Trenchs is underfoot, leading T. W. Trench to travel over the estate accompanied by a policeman and the estate bailiff, with a loaded gun in his hand. Also discusses the commencement of the construction of new labourers cottages; the building of a new estate office adjoining the church; the drainage of the bogs; and a report on emigration from the estate.

        Bellair Estate Papers
        IE OH OHS87 · Fonds · 1683 - 1924

        Estate and legal papers comprising of deeds, indentures, tenancy agreements, land titles, correspondence and personal papers relating to the Mulock and Homan-Mulock family of Bellair House, Ballycumber.

        Mulock Family, Bellair
        Charleville Estate Papers
        IE OH OHS4 · Fonds · 1633-1985

        Estate papers comprising of estate accounts, tenancy agreements, farms accounts, land titles and correspondence.

        Bury Family, Earls of Charleville
        Charleville Forest Papers
        IE OCL P43 · Collection · 1785 – 1919

        An artificially constructed collection of generally dissociated documents relating to the Charleville Estate and the Bury family/earls of Charleville. Contains some legal documents such as marriage settlements and leases; correspondence relating to financial matters on the Charleville Estate and associated estates, e.g., the Marlay estate.; newspaper cuttings on various members of the Bury family; and correspondence and drawings relating to the Bury family jewels.

        Bury Family, Earls of Charleville
        IE OH OHS87/E/3/2 · File · 1892 - 1920
        Part of Bellair Estate Papers

        Original incoming and copy outgoing letters relating to Ernest H Browne's management of the Bellair Estate. Matters referred to include the outstanding arrears of rent by W Cooper Clibborn, negotiations of sale between Clibborn and Mulock and decision against disposal of lands. Includes two ordnance survey maps of town of Moate and Killeenboylegan, as well as schedule of tenants on these plots in 1838.

        IE OH OHS87/E/3/8 · File · 1916-1919
        Part of Bellair Estate Papers

        Original incoming and copy outgoing letters relating to Ernest H Browne's management of the Bellair Estate. Matters referred to include: the transfer of head rent of lands in Skehanagh from the late, John Joyce to JM Colahan; proposal of 25 years purchase to Colahan.

        Letter from JM Colahan to Mulock: "Please excuse delay in replying to yours of the 24th inst. I have been in communication with my cousin, Mrs Doyle, who is joint owner with me of the small profit rent of Skehanagh, she would not agree to purchase the head rent" (October 1916).

        IE OH OHS4/R · Series · [c1635]-1949
        Part of Charleville Estate Papers

        This series contains lease deeds of lands and properties across the Charleville estate as well as, title deeds, deeds of conveyance, wills, marriage settlements, and other documents of legal nature.

        Bury Family, Earls of Charleville
        IE OH OHS87/D/2 · Item · [1918]
        Part of Bellair Estate Papers

        Typescript diary entry of William Bury Homan Mulock, reflecting on the surroundings of the Bellair Estate; his childhood on the estate; estate improvements; sale of the estate to tenants under the Land Acts; effects on Irish agriculture and corn production during the first World War.

        "The Townland of Bellair or Bally-ard (High Town) stands almost in the centre of Ireland and its hill crowned with a thick grove of beech and fir is a conspicuous object from most of the Counties in Ireland...

        I dearly loved and revered the old place with all the tradition it stood for, and for my first day in India I determined to save money and pull it through as my father had always impressed on me the severe strain his large family had been on the estate...

        I have now held it for close on 30 years and in the natural course of things must soon relinquish it. I can however fairly claim to have done more than any predecessor for its benefit. I have sold to the tenants, under the Land Acts, and have paid of all charges. I have renovated the house and wing, rebuilt all the farm buildings, and a good part of the stabling...

        I have now (1918) had close on ten years experience as an Irish Landlord without tenants, having sold under the Land Acts 1908-9. I can't say that I regret their loss. I live more like an English squire, without anxiety or fear of malicious injuries, cattle drives, or burnings, and I have more leisure to look after my Bellair farm which is now paying me well for all my improvements".

        Downshire Estate
        IE OCL P9/4 · File · 1922-24
        Part of Records of Pattersons & Co. Ltd.

        Letter from E A Merrey, agent at the Downshire Estate office, Blessington, Wicklow, to Mr Patterson regarding the latter's possible purchase of holdings on the Downshire Estate near Edenderry. Reply from Patterson overleaf states that he hopes that Lord Downshire will accept £100 for the holding (6 May 1922).
        Also includes a printed notice of Merrey's attendance at the Downshire Office, Edenderry for the collection of rents (1 May 1924).