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        Letterbook 1913-1914
        IE OH OHS1/1/3 · Item · October 1913 - May 1914
        Parte de Records of Rogers & Co. Solicitors

        Copies of approximately 1000 outgoing letters, averaging at 1 per page. Some letters illegible due to fading.
        Includes letter to E. des. H. Browne, Charleville Estate Office, Tullamore re Sherlock Estate: ' Replying to yours of the 20th inst. It is begging the question to suggest that these tenants understood or were satisfied with the last receipts you gave, or with any of the receipts. The original rent in the time of Sherlock's predecessor was £2.1.10. I have a whole bundle of receipts in evidence of this. It was customary by the Landlord as shown by receipts to give a substantial abatement off this rent and eventually some years before Mr. Sherlock became owner and according to my instructions after a valuation was made by the agent, the rent was fixed at the figure of rent paid. The original tenant was John Fitzgerald Snr and his brother Bernard resided on the lands with him. John allowed Bernard the use of half the lands on paying half the rent., and eventually Bernard's name found its way into the rental, and ever since Mr. Sherlock acquired the estate, half of the rent was paid by Bernard. John died and was succeeded by his widow Mrs Bridget Fitzgerald on whose death John Fitzgerald Jr became the tenant, and John Jr and Bernard appear to be now tenants in common of these lands. I give you these particulars as Mr. Sherlock in court did not seem to be conversant with the facts. It is admitted that the yearly rent of £1.14.0 has been regularly paid every year. These illiterate men paid very little attention to receipts which they can hardly be blamed for not understanding: they were content so long as they paid their year's rent and heard no more about it. But now that the question has been raised they will naturally decline to pay the next gale of rent except in exchange for a proper receipt up to date.' (28 January 1914)

        Digby - Geashill Estate 1954-1955
        IE OH OHS3/G/2/13 · Ficheiro · 1954-1955
        Parte de Geashill Estate Papers

        Original incoming and copy outgoing correspondence relating to the administration of the Geashill Estate. Matters referred to include forestry; stamp duty; tenancy arrears; damages occurred to iron gates on Lord Digby's property during the thinning of surrounding forests; sporting rights for Lord Digby's property in Glenamoy, Mayo; list of tree seads for planting on Digby estate; repairs to Lord Digby's Ford Thames truck; proposal from Bord na Mona to to purchase Digby's land in Mayo; application on behalf of Lord Digby for a salmon licence.

        Includes copy letter from A T Lucas, Director of National Museum of Ireland to Digby, "You will, I feel sure, be interested to learn that the Geashill cauldron has just been placed on exhibition after a cleaning process which, I hope, has brought it to something like the pristine brilliances which you described to me. It has also been labelled in accordance with the wording you suggested. I take this opportunity of placing on record our very sincere thanks for the extraordinary lengths to which you have gone to help the Museum through the very strange vicissitudes which beset this cauldron over so many years and our deep gratitude for the final generous gesture which secured it for the nation". (5 March 1955)

        Includes letter from Digby to Kennedy, "I would be inclined to resist the selling of the [Village] Green at Geashill and say that for sentimental reasons, I wish to retain it. If you thought it advisable to day, which is true, that I am proud of the fact that I am the 11th Baron Digby of Geashill and that for the dame reason I have tried to retain the castle ruins, both old and new". (14 April 1955)

        Digby - Geashill Estate 1959-1962
        IE OH OHS3/G/2/14 · Ficheiro · 1959-1962
        Parte de Geashill Estate Papers

        Original incoming and copy outgoing correspondence relating to the administration of the Geashill Estate. Matters referred to include installation of a telephone at the Forester's Lodge, Digby Estate; proposed sale of Garda Barracks; insurance renewals; fisheries rates; accounts for purchase of timber; issuance of gun and wireless licences; arrangements for Lord Digby to meet the Irish Land Commission to discuss Geashill queries.

        Includes letter to Kennedy from Digby: "Thank you for your letter of March 29th dealing with the Archdeacon and the appointment of his successor. I quite realise the difficulty with regard to anybody having to take on the Geashill Rectory, when the upkeep is bound to be great. With regards to building a bungalow rectory in the Castle grounds at Geashill, the idea does not appeal to me much, especially as now I have decided to plant all land I have got left, and which probably go onto my Schedule B Assessment, which is what I would like to happen. I should have thought that part of the rectory grounds could have been sliced off as a site for the new rectory. Unless, of course, the Garda Barracks house is to be given up by the Garda as was considered as a remote possibility last year" (1 April 1960).

        Letter from Department of Posts and Telegraphs: "with reference to your letter of the 30th May to the Postmaster, Tullamore we are now arranging to provide the telephone and the usual agreement will be forwarded for signature in the next few days. The rental will be £14 16s 0d per annum which is calculated on the actual radial measurement of 3 mile 3 furlongs between the Forester's house and Killeigh Exchange. The minimum term of agreement will be for five years. The telephone will be connected to Tullamore exchange for engineering reasons" (3 July 1961).

        Copy of letter to Canon A K Palmer: "I have received a letter from The Hon. Captain Edward Digby in which he says that Lord Digby and he wish to make a contribution towards the new school at Geashill and he has requested that I forward you cheque for £300" (14 August 1962).

        Digby - Glenamoy Estate 1934-1944
        IE OH OHS3/G/4/3 · Ficheiro · 1934-1951
        Parte de Geashill Estate Papers

        Original incoming and copy outgoing correspondence relating to the administration of Glenamoy Estate, Ballina, Co. Mayo under James Boland Esq. Matters referred to include letter from the Department of Lands and Fisheries requesting the total amount of Salmon and sea-trout captured by anglers on waters owned or leased by Lord Digby; payment of fishery rates; requests from several parties to Lord Digby for permission to fish in the Glenamoy River; AGM notice for the Salmon Fisheries Protection Association; arrangements for payment to the Watchers for the Season: Anthony Healy, Michael Healy, Patrick McGrath, Terence Moran, J McDonnell, Ann Healy and Martin McGarry; contention by Lord Digby as to why the existing Close Season on Glenamoy River should not be altered; dispute over the rights in a commonage situate in the townland of Ballygally North; letter from The Salmon Fisheries Protection Association informing their members of impending legislation of a bill dealing with all fishing rights in the Irish Free State (1936).

        Includes letter from James King to Goodbody: "Mr Boland has asked me to forward the particulars of the fish caught on Lord Digby's water, which he so kindly gave me permission to fish and I send them list of my catchers - I am sorry I cannot give you the number of my fishing licence, as I have left it at my Lodge at Ballycastle - The fishing was very poor in the Glenamoy last season, wholly due, I think, to the work undertaken by the Board, and the fish could not face the polluted water due to the cement." (2 February 1938)

        Includes letter from Digby to Kennedy: "Many thanks for your letter. It is indeed something for the ministers at least to have delayed making bye-laws for opening and closing of the Glenamoy. We have been entirely stopped hunting for Foot & Mouth disease restrictions. If those are taken off in the near future I must stay ay home and try get some value out of my hunters or I missed all the early part of the season by being away in Canada. Otherwise I hope to come over 13th of after to Ireland." (1 February 1938)

        Charleville Estate Papers
        IE OH OHS4 · Arquivo · 1633-1985

        Estate papers comprising of estate accounts, tenancy agreements, farms accounts, land titles and correspondence.

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        Charleville Estate 1927-1928
        IE OH OHS4/O/2 · Ficheiro · 1927-1928
        Parte de Charleville Estate Papers

        Original incoming and copy outgoing letters relating to management of the Charleville estate. Matters referred to include: claims for damage caused to Charleville Castle alleged to have occurred while the military was using the Castle and Electric Plant; list of articles damaged, broken and missing in Charleville Castle; settlement of accounts for preparation of leases to Denis Walsh and John Kelly; letter from Income Tax Advisor agreeing to the sum of £211.14.10 as repayment claim against Colonel Howard Bury's liability as executor of the estate of Lady A J Howard Bury; settlement of the estate of the deceased Lady Howard Bury.

        Includes copy of letter from Office of Public Works to Charleville Estate Office, " We have read your letter dated 1st instant regarding the compensation amounting to £341.4.0 awarded in full discharge of all claims by Lady E H Bury arising out of the military occupation of Charleville Castle, Tullamore. Of this award the sum of £100 allowed in respect of structural damage was arrived at by arrangement between local officer, Mr Shortall, and Mr Bouchier, by whom no doubt our reasons for reducing your claim for £141.9.7 under this heading were fully accepted... The assessment of £30 in connection with the use of the electric plant covers all charges in connection therewith. It must be borne in mind that at the beginning of the occupation by the Army the electric plant was not in working order until the military officers had the engine and dynamo overhauled and that the plant was not used continuously by the Army during the occupation. We are satisfied after the most exhaustive inquiries that our allowance for the consumption of coal is fair and reasonable...(23 November 1927).

        Sem título
        IE OH OHS87/E/3/7 · Ficheiro · 1914
        Parte de Bellair Estate Papers

        Original incoming and copy outgoing letters relating to Ernest H Browne's management of the Bellair Estate. Matters referred to include copies of proposal to purchase tenanted and untenanted Bellair estates of William Bury Homan Mulock by the Estate Commissioners; copy of schedule of tenancies of Bellair, showing the purchase monies paid by respective tenants; copy of OS maps of Bellair.

        Bellair tenants referenced include: Anne Daly; Frank Claffy, James Lambe, John Digan, Patrick Galvin, Thomas Williams, Joseph Murray, Kieran Larkin, Farrell Connolly, Thomas Daly, Margaret Larkin, Patrick Digan, Jeremiah Guinan, Stephen Quinn, Patrick Murray and James Reamsbottom.

        Charleville Forest Papers
        IE OCL P43 · Coleção · 1785 – 1919

        An artificially constructed collection of generally dissociated documents relating to the Charleville Estate and the Bury family/earls of Charleville. Contains some legal documents such as marriage settlements and leases; correspondence relating to financial matters on the Charleville Estate and associated estates, e.g., the Marlay estate.; newspaper cuttings on various members of the Bury family; and correspondence and drawings relating to the Bury family jewels.

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        Digby - Glenamoy Estate 1938-1952
        IE OH OHS3/G/4/4 · Ficheiro · 1938-1952
        Parte de Geashill Estate Papers

        Original incoming and copy outgoing correspondence relating to the administration of Glenamoy Estate, Ballina, Co. Mayo under James Boland Esq. Matters referred to include the securing of salmon and gun licences for Lord Digby; letter from the Department of Lands and Fisheries requesting the total amount of Salmon and sea-trout captured by anglers on waters owned or leased by Lord Digby; payment of fishery rates; invoices from Geo N Walshes, Motor Engineer; AGM notice for the Salmon Fisheries Protection Association; the retirement of James Boland in November 1946 and arrangements for the re-letting of Bunowa Lodge.

        Includes letter to Lord Digby: "Many thanks for the Ration Card, also Petrol Coupons, and I shall try to have the equivalent for them for you when you come again. It is impossible to say what the possibilities of second-hand cars here will be until we see what happens to the Petrol Ration. So far there has been no announcement and the October, November and December Coupons have already been issued. I will bear in mind what you say, and also have the question of your membership of the Irish Automobile Association... I was very interested and amazed to read your story about the whale, and so was Kenneth, and I think you were extremely lucky to live to tell the tale, and that the boat was not turned over. I agree that it is a great fishing story, and that even though it is literally true it will be extremely difficult to get anyone to believe it especially on your side of the water, but it will certainly make history in the Glennamoy Area. By the way although your Annual Account is made out in draft and is just about to be sent off for binding I anticipate some delay as I find that all such jobs as binding and printing etc seem to take much longer than usual at present, but you will understand that the matter is in hand, and if there is delay that nothing has gone wrong. I failed to get the County Council here to increase their offer of £40 per statute acre for the Housing site at Geashill, and as they said they did not propose to disturb the grazing letting, which expires on the 1st March next, I could not cut any ice on that point". (29 September 1947)

        Annual Report 1859
        IE OCCHO DIGBY/A/3 · Item · 1859
        Parte de Digby Irish Estates

        Annual report for year ending July 1859, including a list of leasholders and undertenants who have surrendered their several leases; general account of income and expenditure; detailed statements of disbursements including costs of drainage and building improvements; a list for compensation for surrender of tenancies and emigration; and a detailed rental of entire estate.

        Contains a summary report outlining the mechanism of the leaseholder's compensation fund, the distribution of which, W. S. Trench describes as 'the most arduous and most serious task of responsibility I have ever had to encounter.' Also discusses estate improvements such as the drainage of 125 statute acres, particularly in Meelaghans where 100 acres 'of miserable cut away bog' was drained and cultivated. Also discusses improvements to the labourers' cottages through the additions of chimneys and windows and a proposal to enter the new cottages for the award of the Gold Medal offered by the Royal Agricultural Society. Further estate improvements include new roads through Killellery, Lugmore and Meelaghans.

        Agrarian unrest is also discussed in the context of the case of Henry Kane, tenant, who along with his brother, Michael Kane, each held a farm in Killurin. On the death of Michael, Henry took immediate posssession of his brother's farm, to which the Trenchs objected. Report discusses general tenant support for Kane, even from outside the estate, and includes descriptions of intimidatory tactics by Ribbonmen. Also discusses measures to have Henry Kane ejected from the land altogether.

        Drawings in the report include:
        Page 2: 'Ancient pan found on Geashill Estate, 4 feet broad x 14 inches deep' (The Geashill Cauldron)
        Page 11: 'Ancient keg of butter found 12ft below surface of Red Bog. 2 feet long x 13 inches broad.'