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      Hierarchical terms


        Equivalent terms


        • UF Landlords and tenants

        Associated terms

        13 Archival description results for Tenants

        13 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
        Adamson's Head Rent, Curries
        IE OH OHS87/E/3/1 · File · 1905 - 1921
        Part of Bellair Estate Papers

        Original incoming and copy outgoing letters relating to Ernest H Browne's management of the Bellair Estate. Matters referred to include:
        outstanding head rent owed by Henry Adamson for holdings at Curries, Co. Westmeath; attempts to establishment the tenant of the estate between Henry Adamson and Captain Arthur G Adamson; negotiations of purchase price; affidavit granting application the Judicial Commissioner for payment of arrears and Land Commission case.

        Includes letter from Browne to Mulock, "I quite agree with your views, but the difficulty is, from what Goodbody tells me, taking any proceedings against any man who is at the Front, however, we are making inquires at the Land Commission to see exactly how this case stands, and are going to try and ascertain from the Land Commission Officials whether they think it would be likely that a Judge would give an Order for them to pay us direct". (18 February 1916).

        Bellair Estate Papers
        IE OH OHS87 · Fonds · 1683 - 1924

        Estate and legal papers comprising of deeds, indentures, tenancy agreements, land titles, correspondence and personal papers relating to the Mulock and Homan-Mulock family of Bellair House, Ballycumber.

        Mulock Family, Bellair
        Charleville Estate Papers
        IE OH OHS4 · Fonds · 1633-1985

        Estate papers comprising of estate accounts, tenancy agreements, farms accounts, land titles and correspondence.

        Bury Family, Earls of Charleville
        Charleville Forest Papers
        IE OCL P43 · Collection · 1785 – 1919

        An artificially constructed collection of generally dissociated documents relating to the Charleville Estate and the Bury family/earls of Charleville. Contains some legal documents such as marriage settlements and leases; correspondence relating to financial matters on the Charleville Estate and associated estates, e.g., the Marlay estate.; newspaper cuttings on various members of the Bury family; and correspondence and drawings relating to the Bury family jewels.

        Bury Family, Earls of Charleville
        IE OH OHS87/E/3/2 · File · 1892 - 1920
        Part of Bellair Estate Papers

        Original incoming and copy outgoing letters relating to Ernest H Browne's management of the Bellair Estate. Matters referred to include the outstanding arrears of rent by W Cooper Clibborn, negotiations of sale between Clibborn and Mulock and decision against disposal of lands. Includes two ordnance survey maps of town of Moate and Killeenboylegan, as well as schedule of tenants on these plots in 1838.

        Downshire Estate
        IE OCL P9/4 · File · 1922-24
        Part of Records of Pattersons & Co. Ltd.

        Letter from E A Merrey, agent at the Downshire Estate office, Blessington, Wicklow, to Mr Patterson regarding the latter's possible purchase of holdings on the Downshire Estate near Edenderry. Reply from Patterson overleaf states that he hopes that Lord Downshire will accept £100 for the holding (6 May 1922).
        Also includes a printed notice of Merrey's attendance at the Downshire Office, Edenderry for the collection of rents (1 May 1924).

        IE OH OHS87/E/3 · Subseries · 1903-1921
        Part of Bellair Estate Papers

        Artificially collected files of correspondence and papers relating to the Bellair Estate, under the management of land agent, Ernest H Browne. Mostly arranged around specific tenant or townland.

        Goodbody Estate Management
        IE OH OHS87/E/2 · File · 1899 - 1924
        Part of Bellair Estate Papers

        Original incoming and copy outgoing correspondence concerning aspects of estate management undertaken by A & L Goodbody, solicitors on behalf of Bellair House Estate. Includes legitimacy of land ownership; rental arrears; payment receipts; disputes over rent; court orders and estate duties paid for Henry P Mulock.

        Includes letter from Goodbody & Tisdall Solicitors to William Bury Homan Mulock: "In further reply to yours of 21st in June 1900 we sent you a Court Order for £11-1-6; being the 2 years' rent which these defendants lodged in Court, and we subsequently, by bringing another ejectment in October 1900 recovered another year's rent for you up to 1st May 1900, which we sent you on 31st October 1900; but we cannot trace any further sum of 10/- sent by us in the following November. Could you have received this from any of the tenants, or through Mr Browne?" (23 October 1901)

        IE OH OHS87/E/3/10 · File · 1920-1921
        Part of Bellair Estate Papers

        Original incoming and copy outgoing letters relating to Ernest H Browne's management of the Bellair Estate. Matters referred to include: schedule of the transfer of head rent of lands in Bellair from the original lessee, Thomas Lowe, to his descendants; arrangements between W B Homan Mulock and Patrick Keena for a 16 year purchase of the lands; schedule of deeds and documents received by W B Homan Mulock from A & L Goodbody, solicitors.

        Includes letter from A & L Goodbody to W B Homan Mulock, following the destruction of Dublin's Custom House, "Owing to all their records having been destroyed, the Inland Revenue Officials have asked us to lodge with them for noting the copies of the wills of your Father and Grand-uncle and we should be glad if you would let us have these copies at your early convenience" (14 June 1921).

        IE OH OHS3/A/2 · Item · 1871-1875
        Part of Geashill Estate Papers

        Rental letterbook containing letters and copy replies to and from tenants, solicitors and land agents. Original letters have been pasted onto pages of the volume and the reply noted alongside. Contains details of individual tenancies and the signatures or marks of various tenants. Also notes decisions taken on various accounts and includes several watercolour maps of holdings on the estate. Indexed by surname at front of volume.