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      Hierarchical terms


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        • UF Landlords and tenants

        Associated terms

        31 Archival description results for Tenants

        31 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
        Yearly Rental and Account
        IE OH OHS87/E/3/6 · File · 1910 - 1921
        Part of Bellair Estate Papers

        Original incoming and copy outgoing letters relating to Ernest H Browne's management of the Bellair Estate. Matters referred to include: annual updates on rental and accounts; grazing agreements; delayed payments of rents by tenants; request by Mulock that the yearly rental and account be issued bi-annually.
        Tenants referenced include: W C Clibborn; Charles G Adamson; John Joyce; Mrs Finnamore; John Deehan.

        Letter from Browne to Mulock: "You ask me if I find same difficulty on other estate, Yes, I most certainly do. You may remember the old saying 'The poor are ever with us'. I regret to state that the bad paying tenant is also always with the unfortunate Landlord... My experience is that once a tenant from whatever cause it may be gets hard up, he is always pulling the Devil by the tail and in spite of good times he never able to satisfy all his Creditors. I only wish I had every estate as well paid as your estate is". (11 January 1918).